加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教关于4131职业描述和推荐信问题
回复: 请教关于4131职业描述和推荐信问题以我的理解:工作内容和部门没有关系,关键是工作职位(employment position)和工作职责(main duties and responsibilities)。英语老师就是一个职位,和哪个部门没关系。推荐信谁都没关系,最好是人事签署的信息,下面是推荐信的要求:a) The principal applicant must provide original letters of reference from their current and past employers for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form. These certificates must give the title and contact information of the signatory or the Personnel Officer of the company and must include all the following information:.. the specific period of the principal applicant employment with the company;.. the positions held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position;.. the main duties and responsibilities in each position;.. the income of the principal applicant (broken down by salary, benefits, commissions and bonuses) with, if applicable, an explanation of the basis for calculating commissions and bonuses;.. a business card of the person who signed the letter and of the principal applicant, if available.The certificates must be written on company letterhead and must be stamped with the company official seal. They must show the company full address, telephone and fax numbers with the area code, and website if applicable.
回复: 请教关于4131职业描述和推荐信问题你是说我没必要分两次写?只要把工作内容再补充点就可以了?
回复: 请教关于4131职业描述和推荐信问题我是这么理解的。再看看别人的意见。我随便举一个例子。公司招聘我做软件开发经理,并且明确了工作职责。一开始我在A部门,开发W软件。后来我到B部门,开发X软件。我的position和main duties都没有变,变的是我做的事情――这种事情基本上天天变。
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