加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于进度查询的问题
我很久没有去CIC查进度了,今天一查却显示下面的信息: We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed: Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS. 不知哪位大虾能知道是怎么回事?
回复: 关于进度查询的问题路过
回复: 关于进度查询的问题可以进去呀?今早我还查了呢,你再试试看?
回复: 关于进度查询的问题你输入的信息有错, 系统没认可是你. 确保你的FN, country, D.O.B等信息的正确性, 再试.
2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga ->回复: 关于进度查询的问题有一项是输入姓,不是姓名
回复: 关于进度查询的问题有一段时间,我也是.后来发现是输错信息了,楼上的说得对,输入姓,而不是姓名,也不是名.再试试看.
FN: 2007年5月27日 (新加坡)确认信: 2009年3月29日回复: 关于进度查询的问题我输入的信息肯定是对的, 可还是出来这个回复, 郁闷...
回复: 关于进度查询的问题有时候同样的信息再输入一遍就好了。
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