加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信
Dear Sir or Madam:This refers to your recent enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence in Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker.Please be informed that your entire file has been transferred to the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada for review. The Centralized Intake Office is responsible for assessing your application against the Ministerial Instructions issued November 28, 2008 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2008/2008-11-28a.asp). This office has not retained any information on your file. As a result, we are unable to respond to any case enquiries. If you have provided us with an update for your file we have forwarded this information to the Centralized Intake Office. All further updates or enquiries on your application should be directed to the office in Sydney, Nova Scotia (address below). Should you require some changes to your file which could affect your eligibility or record a change of address, please send your information to one of the addresses below. Mailing Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake OfficeP.O. BOX 7500Sydney, NS B1P 0A9Canada Courier Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake Office196 George StreetSydney, NS B1P 1J3CanadaDue to the high volume of applications received it may take some time for your application to receive a determination. You will be contacted once a determination has been made by the Centralized Intake Office. Note: You will be receiving the complete refund of your fees from the Centralized Intake Office in due course. Please be patient. Sincerely,Canadian Embassy/Consulate General/High Commission
回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!看的我有点眼晕!!
回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!lz什么时候的 F/N?
回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!227的申请还想要撤案?真的有些“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”了......
回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!楼主既然要写信撤案,看来不是227的,怎么会回这样的信?难道是乱回?
我不喜欢坐而论道,这辈子也好下辈子也罢,对我们凡人而言,脚踏实地耕耘现在才是良策。回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!天哪,快请楼主回帖,说明情况,你的去信是怎么写的?又是什么时候的fn,案子怎么会被转到悉尼了呢?莫非是那确认信里的期限3个月,真的发飙啦?我们都被转到悉尼,有望快马加鞭得解放了?没准哦,不是传说香港的vo受贿嘛,是不是不给他们审了啊?
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!没看懂,lz出来解释一下。
密市新生活...回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!2009-04-14 #1 真爱无界 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛 注册日期: 2009-02帖子: 71 送出鲜花次数: 0在0帖子里收到0次鲜花 声望: 7297声望改变能力: 273 我想撤案 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------我是08年10月份获得FN的,但由于职业不在38项紧缺职业列表中,所以打算撤案,但不知道撤案的具体流程是什么样的,特在此发贴,想请有撤案经验或知道撤案流程的同仁给我一些信息,有何注意事宜,谢谢!
2006-7-20 递料,2006-10-6 签发FN,2010-6-4 签发ME,2011-1-4 MER,2011-1-19 电子PL,2011-1-26 护照邮寄签收,2011-2-9出现DM,2011-2-16收到大信封,2011-4-20短登温哥华,2014-8-10长登温哥华回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!楼上有人看错了地址,这个地址是加拿大诺瓦斯高舍省的悉尼市 移民处理中心,不是澳洲的悉尼.加拿大的一些地名很奇怪,总和别的国家城市重名.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!不好意思,我是去年10获得的FN,不是38项里的,所以写信去撤案。信肯定是自动回复的,不知是什么意思,我想我们的材料应该不会转到加拿大去。
回复: 当我写信去说要撤案时,请大家看看自动回复信!转到那也是有可能的,申请公民的时候都是把资料寄到Sydney, Nova Scotia的。
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