加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Letter to CIC Minister
I have drafted this letter, anyone have any views? anyone try this before? The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P.Citizenship and Immigration CanadaOttawa, OntarioK1A 1L1CANADA7 September 2009Dear Mr Kenney Re: Federal Skilled Worker ? Processing of Applications in Hong Kong I gives me no pleasure to have to write this letter to you to complain about the inactivity of the visa processing office in Hong Kong. I realise how precious your time is but I have my own time concerns and I am at the end of my tether trying to get my application to live and work in Canada processed in a reasonable timeframe. Let me explain. I have for many years been planning a career move which I hoped would at the same time offer me the challenges of a new life in Canada. My wife and I have visited Canada on several occasions to visit relatives and friends and we both feel comfortable with this move. To make the dream reality I have to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker programme as this is the only programme under which I am eligible. I undertook extensive research in 2005 to ascertain exactly what would be required of me and when. In this respect the cic.gc.ca website is a wonderful resource. With a projected timeline of relocating to Canada in 2010, and based on the then caseloads of the Hong Kong visa office, I anticipated that submission of my application in 2006 would be just about right. As it turned out the Simplified Application Procedure was announced that summer and I was in the perfect position to be the first applicant to apply using this procedure and delivered my application to the Hong Kong visa office on 1st September 2006. Here is where things have gone wrong. Although my application fee was banked within six weeks of my application, I did not receive an acknowledgment of receipt letter until 29 January 2007. Five months later. In that letter I was told that I should not expect to hear from the visa office for a period of 24 to 30 months (assuming this period of time commenced on 29 January 2007, then 30 months have now elapsed and I have heard nothing). At this moment you may be asking yourself, well why don’t I contact the visa office. I have considered this but have ruled out obtaining any useful response for the following reasons. Firstly, as you know, your Visa Offices do not like to enter into personal correspondence with applicants. Secondly, and more importantly, it is the activities of the Hong Kong visa office that I wish to complain about and I would not like to jeopardise my application in any way by raising this complaint with them directly. In this modern day and age we are blessed with a rich environment of information. I have been monitoring several web-based forums dedicated to the sharing of information by applicants for immigration to Canada and, more specifically, applicants for the Federal Skilled Worker programme whose applications were submitted on or around the date of my own. One of these forums is dedicated to applicants using the Hong Kong Visa Office. Another, more comprehensive forum provides details and statistics for applications to the London Visa Office. Only about one year ago the London Visa Office was obviously over-stretched, with applicants being told they may have to wait four years before their case would be processed. I understand that your ministry was instrumental in supplying additional staff to speed up the work of the London (and Sydney, Australia) Visa Office. I see that, today, applicants under the Simplified Application Procedure who submitted applications in the summer of 2007 are already being processed. In Hong Kong, where predicted wait times for processing were shorter than London, applicants under the pre- Simplified Application Procedure are still not being processed. In fact, the statistics on the Hong Kong Visa Office’s processing status indicate that few, if any, pre-Ministerial Instructions cases have been processed at all so far this year and there are many listed cases many months prior to the introduction of the Simplified Application Procedure, i.e. that pre-date my own application. Quite clearly, there is not a policy on your part to halt the processing of pre-Ministerial Instructions cases as my comments about the London visa office indicate. Therefore I can only assume that the Hong Kong Visa Office is only processing new applications under the Ministerial Instructions (the same website forum shows plenty of processing activity for this type of application). So, what exactly am I complaining about? Firstly, I was always sceptical after reading ALL of the available information on your website about the introduction in February 2008 of the Ministerial Instructions on Federal Skilled Worker applications. In particular I felt very uneasy about how you intended to deal with the “old queue” whilst processing the new applicants who meet the required criteria. No mention was made about quotas for each category, but merely that all applicants would be processed fairly. Is it possible, therefore, that in the case of the Hong Kong visa office that the numbers of new applications under the Ministerial Instructions are so high that the processing of the “old queue” is being brought to a standstill? If such is the case how can this be fair to me and all the other applicants waiting in the “old queue” when my application, if it had been submitted to the London Office, would already have been processed to a conclusion? It would be logical to conclude that if this situation is allowed to continue, my application may never be processed! I would therefore be grateful if you could enlighten me as to what instructions your various Visa Offices are working to in this regard and, if there is a clear workload issue at the Hong Kong Visa Office, what steps are being taken to remedy the situation. Secondly, when I applied, as I have ealier mentioned, the Hong Kong Office provided me with an estimate at that time of how long it was likely to be before I would hear from them. Now that that time period has elapsed why is it not a matter of routine for the Hong Kong Office to contact applicants like me with an explanation and to provide an up-dated estimate of when my case is likely to be processed? Many thanks in advance for your kind attention and I look forward to receiving your prompt reply. Sincerely yours,
___________________________________Application submitted to Hong Kong Office on 1 September 2006, SAPFN = 29 January 2007VO = SKM 赏 反馈:动动蛇, chenpi 和 sunny6710 2009-09-09#2 1,545 $0.00 回复: Letter to CIC Minister您这信真够长的~
回复: Letter to CIC Minister顶!
2010.10.29.----登陆多伦多皮尔逊机场2010.11.27.----枫叶卡------------------------------------------------老婆的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/maggiecanada回复: Letter to CIC Minister我要是Kenney, 一看这么长的信,第一选择就是pass了。尽量别写这么长,这些官僚们没时间和耐心看。
回复: Letter to CIC Minister太长,没看完
关山万里重洋隔,七尺长枪手中握。冷眼横眉对共匪,看他能够奈我何?回复: Letter to CIC Minister文笔不错,但我一是怀疑肯尼本人是否会亲自看这封信;二是怀疑他(或他的工作人员)给你的回信还不到这封信的二十分之一长。回信中也许会安慰你一两句,但中心思想还是让你继续等。
回复: Letter to CIC Minister文笔不错,但我一是怀疑肯尼本人是否会亲自看这封信;二是怀疑他(或他的工作人员)给你的回信还不到这封信的二十分之一长。回信中也许会安慰你一两句,但中心思想还是让你继续等。点击展开...
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: Letter to CIC Minister康尼可能根本都不看的,他可没那儿长的耐心。
回复: Letter to CIC Minister我在外企上班. 总体感觉太拖踏了. 我觉得你最好写简单点. 写信目的123;现在HK 问题123, 对申请人影响123, 解决方案123.
>_<回复: Letter to CIC Minister太长了,简明点更好吧,我们工作交流从来不长篇赘述
回复: Letter to CIC Minister写的的确太长的。不过,还上一支持楼主!
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: Letter to CIC Minister现在看见字母就晕菜!
__________________________________浮生若寄谁非梦; 到此能安即是家。I am w....................aitting !!!文笔不错,但我一是怀疑肯尼本人是否会亲自看这封信;二是怀疑他(或他的工作人员)给你的回信还不到这封信的二十分之一长。回信中也许会安慰你一两句,但中心思想还是让你继续等。点击展开...
09/05/26妥投悉尼 | 09/08/08屠鸭胜利| 09/09/01补料信到 | 09/09/08补料香港 | 09/09/18FN签发 | 09/12/11体检信到 | 09/12/25俺毕业了回复: Letter to CIC Minister第一句,不是第三人称,动词不要加S
回复: Letter to CIC Minister超长的信,先顶一下,再看
Don't go the way life takes you. Take the life the way you go.回复: Letter to CIC Minister虽然还有些问题,呵呵,但我还是看完了,写得不错。正是我们想要说的问题,很感激你为我们这些91后所做的努力,你一定发出去了吧?如果没发那就太可惜了呀!希望你的努力会有影响,再一次向您致以最崇高的敬意!谢谢,您辛苦了
回复: Letter to CIC Minister动动蛇如果动了,我们大家也就快要动了,呵呵!
回复: Letter to CIC Minister措辞不太礼貌,就差指着鼻子骂了,呵呵
回复: Letter to CIC Minister长了点。还是支持一下!
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]动动蛇如果动了,我们大家也就快要动了,呵呵!点击展开...支持动动蛇动。
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