加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测
http://bbs.51ielts.com/thread-596419-1-1.html 我是临考几天才开始准备口语的,没有任何参考书,就在网上找到这个预测,准备了一下。part1,2全部命中。今天我被问到的问题有: Part1- Describe your work, Is your your work change or not change?- Riding bicycle: When you learned to ride the bicycle; Are there many people riding bicycle in your country? Why children like riding bicycle?- What do you think about wearing uniform? In which occasion people wear uniform? What do people feel when they wear uniform clothes? What do you think about school children wearing uniform. Part2In what occasions, you wear special dressing?- What was the special dressing- Where did you buy it- What did you feel when you wear it? 以上话题在那个链接的预测里都有提到。 Part3主要是围绕fashion industry谈一些看法。
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测谢谢!24号就考试!感觉如何?祝好运!
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测hi,考完了?祝你烤鸭顺利啊。我24号考。。
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测谢谢!24号就考试!感觉如何?祝好运!点击展开...拜托,我已经考完啦。我写的是我今天考的。我准备的时候是按照那个链接提供的预测准备的,觉得命中率很高,所以推荐一下。
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测如果我碰到这个part 2就好了,我会说I wore prom dress. I bought them from wedding dress stores. I felt great and I looked pretty when I wore it. HAHA我最喜欢这个话题了,然后我能说到教官不耐烦为止。
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测如果我碰到这个part 2就好了,我会说I wore prom dress. I bought them from wedding dress stores. I felt great and I looked pretty when I wore it. HAHA我最喜欢这个话题了,然后我能说到教官不耐烦为止。点击展开...又和你一样了,我确实说到考官不耐烦了。当我说到我的eveningdress是Max&Co的时候,她眼睛一亮,似乎也知道那个牌子哦。女人跟女人谈女人的话题,轻松自如啊。可是会不会我自我感觉良好,结果分数却低呢?
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测这题目有意思,Part 1第一句话的语法就是错的……
赏 又和你一样了,我确实说到考官不耐烦了。当我说到我的eveningdress是Max&Co的时候,她眼睛一亮,似乎也知道那个牌子哦。女人跟女人谈女人的话题,轻松自如啊。 可是会不会我自我感觉良好,结果分数却低呢?点击展开...
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测这题目有意思,Part 1第一句话的语法就是错的……点击展开...
English Learning Is A Journey应该不会吧.说到底,口语还是很看实力的.经常开口的人,口语拿高不难的.尤其是经常跟北美和英国开口对话的人.但也有自我感觉良好但其实说得并不好的.如果理解错考官的问题,说得再好也没用,考官会觉得考试者本人听力不好或者英语理解能力没到位,答案说得很流利可能是背的.说得不好但知道自己错在哪里,和说得很流利但不知道自己是错的差别很大.点击展开...所以我估计我的口语分数可能是6或6.5。拜托美女开恩啊~~
English Learning Is A Journey所以我估计我的口语分数可能是6或6.5。拜托美女开恩啊~~点击展开...按你的描述我觉得应该在7上下浮动0.5 ps:我要是遇到你的这套题让我用汉语说都够呛...
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404按你的描述我觉得应该在7上下浮动0.5 ps:我要是遇到你的这套题让我用汉语说都够呛...点击展开...谢谢蓝老师,按照美女当时的表情和反应,我偷偷的认为她会给我7.
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测Part2In what occasions, you wear special dressing? Swimming- What was the special dressing Bikini- Where did you buy it Di-Tan-Er- What did you feel when you wear it? Cold
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404Part2In what occasions, you wear special dressing? Swimming- What was the special dressing Bikini- Where did you buy it Di-Tan-Er- What did you feel when you wear it? Cold点击展开...
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测AR。。。。。。你不是男的吗?点击展开...替lz mm泡考官呢呵呵~要是我答案就是这样的:In what occasions, you wear special dressing? Swimming- What was the special dressing Naked- Where did you buy it I'd like to sell it- What did you feel when you wear it? ...Shame 哈哈!
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404替lz mm泡考官呢呵呵~要是我答案就是这样的: In what occasions, you wear special dressing? Swimming- What was the special dressing Naked- Where did you buy it I'd like to sell it- What did you feel when you wear it? ...Shame 哈哈!点击展开...那考官,还真是,不但漂亮还有点点高贵气质,和蔼可亲。如果她面试一下午都那么nice,我觉得她可真是有职业精神(不过我是第三个)。
English Learning Is A Journey替lz mm泡考官呢呵呵~要是我答案就是这样的: In what occasions, you wear special dressing? Swimming- What was the special dressing Naked- Where did you buy it I'd like to sell it- What did you feel when you wear it? ...Shame 哈哈!点击展开...
回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测你shame还不穿衣服?应该说1.swimming, 2. Naked. 3. My parents gave it to me. 4. Proud点击展开...blue是羞涩内敛型tiny是自信骄傲型无论什么型,说的溜儿就行
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测另外提供一句结束语:It was nice meeting you and thank you for your time.比较常用的,也许会让考官觉得你的口语比较流畅。
English Learning Is A Journey回复: 最近即将烤鸭的同学,推荐这个预测我考的时候是音乐。这些服装啊,音乐啊的话题,俺都没啥话说,用中文说也不行。平时根本不关心啊。要是讨论一下要不要移民,要不要爱国,育儿的酸甜苦辣什么的,俺到可以砍他一砍。
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