加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民等DM,留贴立证!



回复: 等DM,留贴立证!顶!羡慕LZ的进度~

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!加油哦

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!最后一步了加油

生命在于折腾!!!回复: 等DM,留贴立证!等待中

JoJorr...................061220FN--080925S2--081220补料--090312ME--090407,7--090531,12--100118,13回复: 等DM,留贴立证!期待楼主毕业的佳音!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业回复: 等DM,留贴立证!加油,帮顶!

漫漫长路开始了。。。。。。回复: 等DM,留贴立证!ding

20061219fn-->20080815s2-->20081210补料-->20090317me-->20090327付登陆费-->20090329体检-->20090329交护照-->20090331使馆签收-->20090527变态为12-->20100118变态为13-->20100120变态为17 -->20100123收到大信封​回复: 等DM,留贴立证!嘿呦,顶呀,嘿呦,嘿呦!!!!

庆幸来到帮我找到自我的加拿大!回复: 等DM,留贴立证!支持,顶

只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617回复: 等DM,留贴立证!多谢大家捧场!!!!!!!!!!

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!刚又查了,状态还是五,嗳,等吧!!!!1

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!同等

只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617回复: 等DM,留贴立证!刚查状态,怎么变成7了,等待体检结果。 可是我们的体检是三月二十七日做的,港澳中心说三十日送大使馆,怎么到现在大使馆还没有体检结果泥?郁闷呀!!怎么办?

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!等12

只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617刚查状态,怎么变成7了,等待体检结果。 可是我们的体检是三月二十七日做的,港澳中心说三十日送大使馆,怎么到现在大使馆还没有体检结果泥?郁闷呀!!怎么办?点击展开...正常,使馆医官在看你的体检报告呢,看完后就会交给VO,那是就变12了。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业回复: 等DM,留贴立证!是这样,俺就放心了。多谢!!!

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!两个周过去了, 状态还是七, 老婆说加拿大过什么节来着, 放三天假, 哎,等呀等,

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!大家一起等:)

回复: 等DM,留贴立证!Q: Why does Canada welcome Immigrants?A: Canada’s population is shrinking and getting older. Government is supposed to pay for maintaining the standard of living and health care of the old citizens. But how does the government find the money for it? The solution: Immigration Canada allows around 250,000 immigrants per year to enter Canada along with C$2.5 C$ 5.0 billion of foreign reserves that these immigrants bring along with them.Q: How does Canada find their gold mine?A: Marketing! Advertisements! And incentives to private immigration firms. Big and small immigration firms lure the third world human commodity by giving a glossy picture of Canada such as the land of opportunities, freedom and prosperity. In the past, the slave traders lured people from African villages by telling the same story and eventually sent to slavery. The MODERN DAY SLAVE TRADE by Canada is not any different!Q: What happens to the immigrants after they come to Canada?A: The architects of Canada’s immigration have devised a social/government system (known as “systemic discrimination”) to “utilize” this man-power to the advantage of the host population. In this system, with a 0.9 probability, the immigrants irrespective of their skills or profession will end up working in the blue collar jobs under white management.Q: How does the “systemic discrimination” work?A: Some of the tools the Canadians used to keep the immigrants out of decent paying jobs are as follows:(1) Every job other than labour jobs requires “excellent communication skills…that is your ability to speak in English with Canadian accent”. This will eliminate 99% of immigrants who have slight to thick accent.(2) Require “Canadian work experience….”.. You can’t have Canadian experience without getting a Canadian job in the first place!(3) The selection for majority of jobs ( > 85%) in the private sector is done through “referrals”. The referrals come from “networks”. Networks are made mostly through social gatherings. And the Canadians, unfortunately, tend to socialize with their family members and friends from their own community. As per an Asian immigrant “his community and social networks are with taxi drivers…so eventually he became a taxi driver”. Meritocracy has no place in Canadian labour market. Nepotism is the norm.(4) Canada has laws to prevent “discrimination”. However, technically none of the above “requirements or methods” is against the law.(5) Most professions (e.g. Engineering, medical, law) require professional registration. YOU NEED Canadian experience to get the registration. If you have no registration, you can’t be an independent practitioner in your profession.Q: How about getting into business?A: Those few “star” immigrants leading a decent life in Canada are into trade or service businesses primarily targeting their ethnic group market. The government is pro-white. “Government services” are one of the biggest business area where the services are delivered though private companies. And obviously the contract goes to the white-business partners of the politician in power. (Please make a Google search for the key word “Canada Sponsorship scandal” for details).Q: How successful is the Canadian Immigration gold mine project?A: Very successful. The marketing department (www.cic.gc.ca) is doing a very good job. The victims of this trade often do not tell their stories because of shame. And also, once you become a coloured citizen of Canada, you are pretty much stuck here.Q: Does the media come to the rescue of the oppressed like in any democratic society?A: NO! The mainstream news media is controlled by the white host Canadians.Q: How do the oppressed immigrants in Canada reciprocate?A: So far THE SILENCE of the victims is the norm. However, a brave new have spoken with websites like: www.N O T Canada.comQ: How about the coloured politicians in Canada?A: They are the creation of the “System” They work for the system!!Q: What advice do you have for an aspiring Immigrant to Canada?A: If you are educated and professional, stay away from Canada. If you are a labourer or truck driver and NOT planning to raise your children in Canada, come on and have some fun!别人的帖子,请大家共享!

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