加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢



回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?6-8 weeks

03/2009 Syndey->RN / 07/2009 Buffalo->FN / 03/2010 Transfer to Detroit 03/2010 ME requested / 04/2010 ME done & sent/ 05/2010 RPRF cashed out问题如上:)谢谢点击展开...应该很快吧。我的是money order的,所以我不太清楚信用卡的。但我的情况是FBI2009年12月3号签收,我2010年1月31号去银行查的时候,money order还没有取走。我也没再查,我2月16号就收到report了。所以我的是一到两周吧~

我是新人,我要发贴!1/20妥投,3/4信用卡扣款失败,3/18RN4月补料Buffalo, 5月FN10月要补副申的RCMP报告, 11年1月RCMP邮寄结果给Buffalo, 2月山寨IP,10月26号转Detroit回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?万分感谢诸位了,我现在等待的心情很焦急阿,希望能够尽快到来。 嘿嘿

回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?应该很快就能到了。我老婆扣款和我扣款之后一周就到了。

回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?谢谢诸位的关心和建议。感谢大家的信息,虽然到现在还没有收到,但我心里已经比较有底了。

回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?应该很快就能到了。我老婆扣款和我扣款之后一周就到了。点击展开...我也在等,用的是MONEY ORDER,可以发邮件给FBI催一下吗?知道如何联系他们吗?请帮助。谢谢!

2010/4/9 RN, 11/23 FN, 2011/03 IP(山寨),11/29 正式IP, 11/30 ME, 12/20 体检报告和登陆费, 2012/03/13 MER, 03/07 PPR,4月7日收到大信封,04/10DM回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?我周六收到了FBI 的文件。 你可以打电话1-304-625-5590 check the status.或者写信[email protected]。但是回复的东西没有太大的意义。下面是给我的回信: If you have a tracking number you can go online and track it. Our processing time was updated due to the workload we have at the present time. The normal processing time for a request is approximately 13 weeks from the date we receive it. So it takes awhile before we can pull up the status to verify we have received it. We do receive thousands of requests every day, with several thousand of those requesting the information to be expedited which we can not do.

回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?我周六收到了FBI 的文件。 你可以打电话1-304-625-5590 check the status.或者写信[email protected]。但是回复的东西没有太大的意义。下面是给我的回信: If you have a tracking number you can go online and track it. Our processing time was updated due to the workload we have at the present time. The normal processing time for a request is approximately 13 weeks from the date we receive it. So it takes awhile before we can pull up the status to verify we have received it. We do receive thousands of requests every day, with several thousand of those requesting the information to be expedited which we can not do.点击展开...非常有用的信息。谢谢!祝您顺利!

2010/4/9 RN, 11/23 FN, 2011/03 IP(山寨),11/29 正式IP, 11/30 ME, 12/20 体检报告和登陆费, 2012/03/13 MER, 03/07 PPR,4月7日收到大信封,04/10DM我周六收到了FBI 的文件。 你可以打电话1-304-625-5590 check the status.或者写信[email protected]。但是回复的东西没有太大的意义。下面是给我的回信: If you have a tracking number you can go online and track it. Our processing time was updated due to the workload we have at the present time. The normal processing time for a request is approximately 13 weeks from the date we receive it. So it takes awhile before we can pull up the status to verify we have received it. We do receive thousands of requests every day, with several thousand of those requesting the information to be expedited which we can not do.点击展开...我今天打电话查询,接线员说13周,我说可否提前一些,因为移民时间限制问题,她说NO WAY TO DO THAT,而且也无法查是否已经收到我的申请文件。但我查了邮政,说对方已经收到了。只有等了。

2010/4/9 RN, 11/23 FN, 2011/03 IP(山寨),11/29 正式IP, 11/30 ME, 12/20 体检报告和登陆费, 2012/03/13 MER, 03/07 PPR,4月7日收到大信封,04/10DM回复: FBI background check 扣款之后什么时候能够收到信呢?恩就等吧,我3.4日提交的,5月8日收到了,9个星期一共,所以不用太担心。GOOD LUCK!

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