加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 昨晚惊闻626,今天一大早就递料
My Checklist-----------------------------------------------Checklist [FONT=宋体]Ⅰ [/FONT]Canadian Dollar draft (China bank) [FONT=宋体]Ⅱ[/FONT] Application forms 1. Application for a Selection Certification (principal applicant) 2. Application for a Selection Certification (spouse) 3. Declaration by spouse (principal applicant)4. Photographs of each person (8 / per person) [FONT=宋体]Ⅲ[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Application for permanent residence in Canada (IMM 0008)[/FONT](Principal applicant/spouse) [FONT=宋体]Ⅳ[/FONT] Relative in Quebec 1. Declaration of a relative in Quebec 2. The relative’s Canadian identify2.1 Photocopy of permanent residence card 2.2 Photocopy of the first page of passport2.3 Photocopy of immigration visa2.4 Photocopy of IMM-52923. Kinship identify3.1 Certification of birth [FONT=宋体]Ⅴ[/FONT] Resume 1. The resume of the principal applicant 2. The resume of the spouse [FONT=宋体]Ⅵ[/FONT] Studies and training 1. Education certificates of principal applicant1.1 Photocopies of diplomas1.2 Certificates of diplomas1.3 Academic transcripts2. Education certificates of spouse1.1 Photocopies of diplomas1.2 Certificates of diplomas1.3 Academic transcripts1.4 Explanation [FONT=宋体]Ⅶ[/FONT] Employment in the past 5 years 1. Employment certification and employer’s recommendation (principal applicant) 2. Employment certification and employer’s recommendation (spouse) [FONT=宋体]Ⅷ[/FONT] Language ability 1.Certification of French Class Hours (principal applicant) 2. Explanation (principal applicant)3. Explanation (spouse) [FONT=宋体]Ⅸ[/FONT] Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency [FONT=宋体]Ⅹ[/FONT] Statutory documents 1. Marriage certificate2. Certificate of birth2.1 Certificate of birth (principal applicant)2.2 Certificate of birth (spouse)2.3 Certificate of birth (son)Photocopy of birth certificate2.4 Certificate of birth (son)Photocopy of birth certificate3. Certificate of “Hukou” register of households4. Photocopy of passport 4.1 Photocopy of passport (principal applicant)Photocopy of ID card (principal applicant)4.2 Photocopies of passport (spouse)Photocopy of ID card (spouse)4.3 Photocopy of passport (son)4.4 Photocopy of passport (son)
09.09.30联邦退款 10.06.27递料BIQ_HK 10.08.26排期 11.5.17面试Je me souvienshttp://blog.sina.com.cn/twinsdad2008回复: 昨晚惊闻626,今天一大早就递料!请问下楼主,法语是要在递表之前学习么?0基础需学习多久后递表比较合适?谢谢
回复: 昨晚惊闻626,今天一大早就递料!同问,等回复。
回复: 昨晚惊闻626,今天一大早就递料!学习多久看你需要的法语分数。 我是在法盟学习了300小时递料,同时递上还在学习的解释信。 副申也开始学习法语,也递上了还在学习的解释信。 需要补料或面试时把新的学时证明带上。
09.09.30联邦退款 10.06.27递料BIQ_HK 10.08.26排期 11.5.17面试Je me souvienshttp://blog.sina.com.cn/twinsdad2008回复: 昨晚惊闻626,今天一大早就递料!加油楼主 拿分走人
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