加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我总结的雅思口语,祝大家一臂之力 之三
[FONT=宋体]注 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]刚开始的问题 为此系列之二[/FONT][FONT=宋体]接上次[/FONT] [FONT=宋体](刚开始的问题)[/FONT][FONT=宋体]有的时候,考官会问到关于家乡及家人的问题[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]如下:[/FONT]1. Is your hometown a good place?2. Do all your family members live in your hometown?3. Have your parents lived in the same place all their life?[FONT=宋体]注:此三个问题相对之前所说的被问到的频率不高,所以就不给参考回答了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]到此为止,想插一句,在口语考试的一开始,给考官创造一个好印象比较重要。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]下面列出几个最近很流行的第一部分的问题范围。[/FONT]reading / collection / cooking / travelling / language /neighbour / sound/flat or department /flower /time /sport / fashion [FONT=宋体]比如如问[/FONT]reading [FONT=宋体]会有以下几个问题[/FONT]Do you like reading?What sort of books do you enjoy reading?What kind of books did you read in your childhood?Is important for children to read books?[FONT=宋体]其实问题很简单,但拿高分不容易。如果没有目的的说很容易犯错误。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]比较[/FONT]1. Do you like reading?[FONT=宋体]这个问题回答有两部分,第一部分为基本问题回答[/FONT]Yes, I like. (3.5[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]―4.5[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT])[FONT=宋体]汉语思维式英语[/FONT]Yes, I like reading (5-6[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT])[FONT=宋体],有点中式英语习惯[/FONT]Yes, I do. (6 above) ([FONT=宋体]简单的语法,很好的回答[/FONT])[FONT=宋体]或[/FONT]Absolutely, I love reading. [FONT=宋体](如果注意语音语调及重读,这个回答绝佳了。)[/FONT][FONT=宋体]第二部分为延伸回答,[/FONT]which means extra information. We could either explain the reason why we enjoy reading or just provide detailed information.[FONT=宋体]例如:[/FONT]Do you like reading?Yes, I do. I enjoy reading very much. I think it’s almost the best way for me to acquire new knowledge and to learn more about the world. ([FONT=宋体]解释原因[/FONT])Or Absolutely, I enjoy reading, and I love reading different sort of books such as classic literature, poetry, philosophy and even aesthetics. [FONT=宋体](提供详细的信息)[/FONT]2.What What sort of books do you enjoy reading?3.What kind of books did you read in your childhood?[FONT=宋体]这两个是同一种类型的题。提供具体信息就可以了。但问题[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]切记动词要用过去式。这是咱们说汉语的共同的错误类型。[/FONT]
回复: 我总结的雅思口语,祝大家一臂之力 之三我的口语考试就是关于reading的 考官问我读什么书,我说以前多文学方面的,现在读育儿和养生的。她很感兴趣的样子。所以我认为,按照自己的实际情况回答,考官会认为这是一次很真诚的交流,而不仅仅是考试。因此印象好而得分高了。 但是我考试前真不知道有这么多窍门,有这么多同学雅思经验的分享。后考的同学一定多搜索论坛,这样的帖子真是太实用了。
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