加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的
各位好,对于受训领域加分的问题, 我一直不是很确定, 因为本人的文凭和所从事的专业没有什么关系. 刚才看了一下魁省移民局的官方网站, 希望和大家一起研究解读一下: 5. What is the purpose of the list of areas of training?This list helps to select candidates who have earned a diploma that corresponds to the needs and requirements of the Québec job market. It assigns weights for each of the areas of training on the list, and makes a distinction between foreign diplomas and Québec diplomas or those treated as such. Note, however, that points awarded for an area of training, at the time of the review of your application, do not guarantee that you will find a job in your area of training once you are in Québec, or that you will be authorized to practise your occupation or trade, if it is regulated. The diploma must have been awarded within the five years preceding the application for a Québec Selection Certificate (CSQ). Failing this, the candidate must have practised for at least one year, within the five years preceding the application for a CSQ, an occupation directly related to the diploma obtained and for which his or she is being assessed.从第二段看出, 这个文凭是否只要是在5年内获得, 且不论是否从事相关专业, 都可以加分. 如果超过5年, 则必须有一年以上相关的工作经验.请问我理解的对吗?http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/informations/faq.html以上是法文网页的出处
2010.09.21 递料2010.09.25 FN签发2010.10.07 FN收到2011.02.24 补料信发出2011.03.06 补料信收到回复: 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的解释没错
回复: 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的解释我也有这个疑问,如果毕业5年,有3年本专业的工作经验,后两年的工作经验和专业没有关系要不要紧?
回复: 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的解释我也有这个疑问,如果毕业5年,有3年本专业的工作经验,后两年的工作经验和专业没有关系要不要紧?点击展开...5年内有1年即可
回复: 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的解释我是从事的领域是相关的,但学历压根无关,怎么界定?
回复: 关于受训领域加分, 移民局官网的解释三年 普通全日制 计算机网络技术 不知道有加分的没。
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