加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?
Dear officer,I beg you to give me the chance proving that my occupation fully accords with NOC occupation code No.7242 Industry Electrician, and will not go to No.7243: Power Electrician.**** is a new project under construction; The Company was established in 2006, and is anticipated to start supplying power at 2011.Before and while the main functional constructions are undergoing, some outside prophase constructions must be completed to support the main constructions, such as Auxiliary Boiler Building, Seawater Desalinization plant and Chlorination Workshop. As a matter of fact, I have been working in these plants since I graduated and came to this power station.In the first 2 years of my carrier, I was working in the Water treatment plant. I, with my colleagues, arranged the layout of electrical equipments following design institute’s electrical drawings, installed electrical wiring, and assembled the switch panels, lighting fixtures and other electrical equipments.At the start-up stage after the Water treatment plant was built, I was also in charge of testing and maintaining electrical equipments, such as cables, electrical panels and motors.From 2008 to 2009, I was working in Circulation Water Pump House. At the same period, I had another work scope of arranging the cables of whole site’s construction power supply.Generally, ****power station is still under construction, some typical generating Power station equipments have not been installed or even purchased. Furthermore, these equipments will be installed by suppliers and maintained by Power station operators. That means up to now, I have no chance to be a real power system electrician.
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?lz写信给cic还是使馆?
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?lz写信给cic还是使馆?点击展开...准备递材料的时候交给使馆。
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?不好意思,我英文很烂~~你是担心使馆会把你归去7243吗?cic已经确认了你的7242,不用再单独解释吧,工作经历证明过硬就行。坐等高手~~
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?不好意思,我英文很烂~~你是担心使馆会把你归去7243吗?cic已经确认了你的7242,不用再单独解释吧,工作经历证明过硬就行。坐等高手~~点击展开...我现在表格都没交呢。。。准备一次把材料都交齐。。。
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?看了不知所云, 反而混淆VO。VO只是根据你自己选择的NOC,按照要求对你评估, 不会用其他的标准来查你的, VO要么认可你是这个NOC,要么NO。你要的是另外准备一个portfolio来完整你的职业定位的材料,有材料的完整性和逻辑性来说服VO,而不是写信来指导VO来判断。技术移民最难的就是职业定位和材料逻辑链的准备了,就像坛子里的一个筒子一样, 227挺好的职业定位, 没有很好的理解NOC的定义,杯具了。Dear officer,I beg you to give me the chance proving that my occupation fully accords with NOC occupation code No.7242 Industry Electrician, and will not go to No.7243: Power Electrician.**** is a new project under construction; The Company was established in 2006, and is anticipated to start supplying power at 2011.Before and while the main functional constructions are undergoing, some outside prophase constructions must be completed to support the main constructions, such as Auxiliary Boiler Building, Seawater Desalinization plant and Chlorination Workshop. As a matter of fact, I have been working in these plants since I graduated and came to this power station.In the first 2 years of my carrier, I was working in the Water treatment plant. I, with my colleagues, arranged the layout of electrical equipments following design institute’s electrical drawings, installed electrical wiring, and assembled the switch panels, lighting fixtures and other electrical equipments.At the start-up stage after the Water treatment plant was built, I was also in charge of testing and maintaining electrical equipments, such as cables, electrical panels and motors.From 2008 to 2009, I was working in Circulation Water Pump House. At the same period, I had another work scope of arranging the cables of whole site’s construction power supply.Generally, ****power station is still under construction, some typical generating Power station equipments have not been installed or even purchased. Furthermore, these equipments will be installed by suppliers and maintained by Power station operators. That means up to now, I have no chance to be a real power system electrician.点击展开...
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?红色的部分是我的建议,个人建议,请lz斟酌使用。 感觉好像你申诉的逻辑不强。我作为一个电工的外行人,看完了不太明白。vo应该也是外行,最好能做到,vo看完了能够明白你的逻辑。点击展开...太谢谢了!
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?看了不知所云, 反而混淆VO。 VO只是根据你自己选择的NOC,按照要求对你评估, 不会用其他的标准来查你的, VO要么认可你是这个NOC,要么NO。 你要的是另外准备一个portfolio来完整你的职业定位的材料,有材料的完整性和逻辑性来说服VO,而不是写信来指导VO来判断。 技术移民最难的就是职业定位和材料逻辑链的准备了,就像坛子里的一个筒子一样, 227挺好的职业定位, 没有很好的理解NOC的定义,杯具了。点击展开...谢谢,我的情况是这样的,我在电厂上班,所以我担心VO直接一看我的工作单位就把我cut了。我怎么才能说服我不是电厂电工而是工业电工呢。,,。。哪些材料是很有说服性的定位材料?
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?电厂也有电工啊,你应该侧重说你的主要工作内容,包括你参与或负责的项目,具体做些什么,只要和7242的主要工作描述相符,而不同于7243的就可以了吧,而不是你在什么类型的企业上班。个人意见,仅供参考!我老公也是7242,目前也在为推荐信发愁!
NOC:7242 BJ 7月29日妥投 11月11日扣款 (BD) 11月25日RN 2011年3月14日IP 2011年9月14日ME 2012年3月2日DM 2012年3月10日 PL谢谢,我的情况是这样的,我在电厂上班,所以我担心VO直接一看我的工作单位就把我cut了。我怎么才能说服我不是电厂电工而是工业电工呢。,,。。哪些材料是很有说服性的定位材料?点击展开...
回复: 7242求助:这样写会不会有点画蛇添足?严格按NOC套, 不需要按照现有的要求,这个是有case law明确的。 因为实际上的要求往往比NOC要求高具体不太了解 industry electrician 的职业资质和需要的技能,在 www.monster.ca (加拿大的一个找工作网站) 上面用 industry electrician 做了一下搜索,出来的结果里面有对 industry electrician 的描述。建议可以根据这个描述,修改你的 main duty。还有,如果按照你的思路,先给vo写一个信,说你是 industry electrician,而不是 其他的,反而会让vo难以判断,不如就直接用 industry electrician的职业 main duty 去申请,如果有问题,再做补充说明。 案例,industry electrician 的主要工作职能(不过这个是在汽车厂的电工,可能会有稍微的区别): Industrial ElectricianOur client is a manufacturer in the automotive industry with a mid sized plant in the Concord area.They currently need to hire a licensed Industrial Electrician for the afternoon shift working with a group of 16 operators. Main Responsibilities: ・ Create and modify PLC programs (Allen Bradley & Siemens)・ Create and/or modify FANUC Robot programs・ Diagnose electrical faults on laser equipment (Trumpf & Rofin) ・ Provide effective and efficient troubleshooting expertise on all automated machines using electrical schematics and PLC logic ・ Supervise outside contractors when required and ensure compliance of safety standards.・ Maintain basic building equipment and conduct repairs such as lighting, building electrical, etc・ Ensure adequate supply of electrical and controls spare parts in inventory. ・ Work with our engineering department to ensure that spare parts, training, manuals and parts standardization are adequately addressed during the installation of new equipment・ Support and complete predictive and preventative maintenance tasks and maintain documentation・ Involvement in Continuous Improvement Projects ・ Ensure sub contractors adhere to all plant safety standards・ Support production with machine setup and operation when required・ Maintain preventative maintenance documentation・ Adhere to ISO 14000 and TS 16949 processes・ Adhere to company policies and procedures 点击展开...
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