大家好, 我的新来的,以后请多多指教。我的Chinese is not very good, soory that I might have to type in English sometimes. 我刚刚申请了FSW,很想知道这有没有不在中国or香港住的呢?还有,有没有最近申请的可以跟我结伴? Thank you in advance for any replies!
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人what is FSW
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人FSW means Federal Skilled Worker.
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人你好,美国人,欢迎你和我们一起移民。
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人美国人,这里有很多最近申请的同仁们,包括我也是,你目前是什么进度?拿到FN了吗,还有,你是属于622新政的类型,还是227的类型?
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人米国人,为嘛一定要申请加国移民呢?在美国不是也挺好!
2010年4月2日寄出初审资料/4月7日妥投,Sandy Layer签收/ 5月20日怀着27W的宝宝去裸考鸭鸭,全场就俺一个孕妇/5月28日 鸭子熟了,2H2M/6月15日RN/8月17日宝宝出生/10月4日补料北京,10月5日妥投,10月7日FN/至今IP... 要吼吼偶的ME了。。。VO考虑8月份给个惊喜?呵呵回复: 刚刚申请的美国人这里几乎都是中国的!你的Chinese很不错!要对自己有confidence!
NOC:4121 BJ 2010.03.30 DHL快递2010.04.07妥投悉尼~2010.06.17RN~2010.08.24FN~2011.5.17山寨IP~2011.11.8正式IP同时地址栏消失~2011.11.15ME~2012.6.5DM~6.22大信封!回复: 刚刚申请的美国人我不是ABC,但是很小就来美国了。我是刚刚这几天才mail out application 的。刚刚才申请,应该是新的622吧。美国是好,但是Canada也不错呀。Anyways,Canada承应dual citizenship的,那以后我在两边都能工作不是很好嘛?
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人oh, my god, the american also want to go to Canada, what is your NOC? 我不是ABC,但是很小就来美国了。我是刚刚这几天才mail out application 的。刚刚才申请,应该是新的622吧。美国是好,但是Canada也不错呀。Anyways,Canada承应dual citizenship的,那以后我在两边都能工作不是很好嘛?点击展开...
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人There is so many Americans here want to work over in Canada too, and vice versa, so many Canadians here in US too. You only need to drive the car across the border to get between the two countries. I go to Vancouver every month.I am a NOC 3215. What about you guys?
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人欢迎美国人加入“加拿大民工国”
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。There is so many Americans here want to work over in Canada too, and vice versa, so many Canadians here in US too. You only need to drive the car across the border to get between the two countries. I go to Vancouver every month.I am a NOC 3215. What about you guys?点击展开...This is nowhere near the writing level of a native speaker or that of anyone who claimed to have been raised in the States. This might sound like a bit of challenge but seriously, I wonder why. Plus, your Chinese makes more sense than your English, so stick to it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]毕业了!回复: 刚刚申请的美国人为什么米国人英语的语法错误比中文多……中文倒是很不错
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人为什么米国人英语的语法错误比中文多……中文倒是很不错
2009年:10/1下定决心移民。2010年:1/11收到清华认证;4/28鸭熟,0213,自评67分;4/30初表DHL寄出;5/05妥投;8/05扣款;10/28RN到;11/01补料妥投BJ。2011年:2/17FN; 2012年:2/24要求补料; 4/11IP4句话 提高英文+快乐生活......回复: 刚刚申请的美国人Whatever... I am not her to pick fights. I am just curious if anyone here going through a similar timeline as I am. If so, maybe we can stay connected? I've found other websites tracking recent applicants, but have not yet found a buddy who also just applied within the last few days. P.S.to get between the two counties... is grammatically correct!
回复: 刚刚申请的美国人Whatever... I am not her to pick fights. I am just curious if anyone here going through a similar timeline as I am. If so, maybe we can stay connected? I've found other websites tracking recent applicants, but have not yet found a buddy who also just applied within the last few days. P.S.to get between the two counties... is grammatically correct!点击展开...置顶的帖子里面有个626妥投统计,可以去那里报名并找找同学。
2009年:10/1下定决心移民。2010年:1/11收到清华认证;4/28鸭熟,0213,自评67分;4/30初表DHL寄出;5/05妥投;8/05扣款;10/28RN到;11/01补料妥投BJ。2011年:2/17FN; 2012年:2/24要求补料; 4/11IP4句话 提高英文+快乐生活......回复: 刚刚申请的美国人楼主是山寨版的美国人.以后别忘了在美国人后面加上中国制造.
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 刚刚申请的美国人take it easy, you need put the egg stable!
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