加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民New baby is coming, need help!


My wife will have my baby born by early-April 2011 in Canada, we have done the medical exams in October, 2010 (Medical results received by buffalo in Nov., 2010).I'm waiting for the PPR, but quite worried because the buffalo website says that a birth can change the process (If I can not land in Canada before the baby's born, I must notify the buffalo office and do not submit passports even when I get PPR in Feb./March 2011). But since my baby will be born in Canada, will it impact and delay the sending in the passport & landing process? (My I send my and my wife's passports if I get PPR just before the born of baby in this case?)I was told by friend that I need to wait until the baby's birth certificate or passport is submitted to the buffalo office before I can send passports for the immigration visa issuance! Otherwise it will result in the cancellation of the immigration visa! Anyone has the similar experience in Buffalo? I really need help on the situation!PS: Following is the information from buffalo's website. As pointed out in this notice, "Failure to declare additional dependants such as a spouse or children prior to your becoming a permanent resident could result in the cancellation of your permanent resident visa." And it does not say the case of a baby born in Canada is an exception. Important notice for family members:Do not submit your passports at this time if:- you have married or divorced since our last correspondence;- you have given birth or adopted a child since our last correspondence;- you intend to get married or divorced prior to your landing in Canada;or- you intend to give birth or adopt a child prior to your landing in CanadaIf any of these conditions apply, your new spouse and/or children must be added to yourapplication and be found admissible to Canada before permanent resident visas can beissued. Failure to declare additional dependants such as a spouse or children prior toyour becoming a permanent resident could result in the cancellation of your permanentresident visa. Once your file is closed, you would be required to submit a newapplication and pay new processing fees. Any new application would be assessedunder the Act and Regulations in force at the time of its submission.In the event that you do have additional dependants to add to or remove from yourapplication, you should immediately advise our office. You will be asked to submitevidence such as a copy of the marriage, divorce, birth or adoption certificate or a letteradvising when and where the marriage, divorce, birth or adoption is expected to takeplace.

回复: New baby is coming, need help!I think you do not need to notify the visa office until your baby is born, so if you can land before the birth of the baby, there will be no problem. If you cannot, what you need to do is to write a letter to the visa office with a copy of the birth certificate of the baby. Since the baby is a Canadian citizen, he/she will not be included into your case, so there won't be any problem as well, you just need to inform the visa officer, and that's all. We had the similar situation. My baby was born here in Canada last September after we received the ME letter. We postponed the X-ray for my wife and did it after our baby was born, and then we sent a letter to the visa office (New York). It didn't impact the process, and right now we have received the PL letter and are waiting for our passports to be sent back. Hope this will help, good luck.

生平事,天赋予,且婆娑。 几人尘外相视,一笑醉颜酡。回复: New baby is coming, need help!i don't think you need to inform the visa office of the pregnance of your wife...just wait for your ppr...

回复: New baby is coming, need help!I think you do not need to notify the visa office until your baby is born, so if you can land before the birth of the baby, there will be no problem. If you cannot, what you need to do is to write a letter to the visa office with a copy of the birth certificate of the baby. Since the baby is a Canadian citizen, he/she will not be included into your case, so there won't be any problem as well, you just need to inform the visa officer, and that's all. We had the similar situation. My baby was born here in Canada last September after we received the ME letter. We postponed the X-ray for my wife and did it after our baby was born, and then we sent a letter to the visa office (New York). It didn't impact the process, and right now we have received the PL letter and are waiting for our passports to be sent back. Hope this will help, good luck.点击展开...Thank you for the reply.A quick question: May I send passports when I receive PPR from Buffalo even if I can not land before the birth of baby (I am hesitated to do so when reading the bold part in the attached Notice for Family Member as above.)?

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