在加拿大 众所周知,现在的公交车上都装上了wife,有人就提出设想,能不能在led路灯(http://www.jsjsytyn.com)上装上wife,对于这件事情我想提出自己的看法,我觉得现代的人们都是在玩手机,人们之...华人论坛
在加拿大 众所周知,现在的公交车上都装上了wife,有人就提出设想,能不能在led路灯(http://www.jsjsytyn.com)上装上wife,对于这件事情我想提出自己的看法,我觉得现代的人们都是在玩手机,人们之...华人论坛
在加拿大 吾家小园英国月季 :巴斯夫人English Rose : The Wife of Bath感恩花婆婆赠予古典月季 : The Wife of Bath 一花繁叶茂,株高仅四尺,粉红芳香。巴斯夫人体质强健,抗病力强(Disease Resistant),无...华人论坛
在加拿大 Dear Wife:I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you for good.I’ve been a good man to you for seven years, and I have nothing to show for it.These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you ha...华人论坛
在加拿大 1) My wife and I can't come to the phone right now, but if you'll leave your name and number, we'll get back to you as soon as we're finished.2) Hi. This is John. If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents,...华人论坛
在加拿大 第一次怀孕,明年一月底的预产期,加上语言不通,很多事很迷茫啊。。。请各位宝妈支招。请教几个问题: 1、我在波恩,请问有比较好的黑妈推荐吗? 2、之前朋友都是自己到医院注...华人论坛
在加拿大 WIFE准备回来了,什么东西可带??酒倒地能带多少??回复加声望! 评论 回复: 从国内能带什么?? 可带的东西太多了.吃的穿的用的玩的.自己不需要的可以帮别人带,带来换钱.一斤装...华人论坛
在加拿大 Wife: 'What are you doing?'Husband : Nothing. Wife : 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'Husband : 'I was looking for the expiration date.' ------------------------------- Wife : 'Do you want dinner?' Husba...华人论坛
在加拿大 和领导解释了半天,那个男的认罪不是因为有多爱那个女的,而是因为这样做的目的是为了两个人都逃掉……这个编剧,搞个囚徒效应,弄得两个人爱的死去活来的意思,弄得LD看的一把...华人论坛
在加拿大 最近老看到夫妻矛盾的帖子,婚姻这门功课很难,和睦的家庭有很多能相同的和睦的方法理论,不和睦的家庭却有很多不相同的理由。 人的一生都在摸索,年纪大的摸索久了的得出理论...华人论坛
在加拿大 全新LENOVO的,刚拿到,但是WIFI死活连不上,上网查也没这种情况,家里其他用WIFI的都正常。就是输入密码后反复显示connecting, connected, 但立刻又变成connecting , connected死循环,死活就是连...华人论坛
在加拿大 My wife will have my baby born by early-April 2011 in Canada, we have done the medical exams in October, 2010 (Medical results received by buffalo in Nov., 2010).I'm waiting for the PPR, but quite worried because the buffalo website says tha...华人论坛
在加拿大 我wife是正规大专,有学历证书但没学位证书,清华网上认证找不到她的大学,没法清华认证, 没清华认证是不是不能加分了,我是申请人,没这个家属4分可坏了?还是 只要学历公证了就能加分...华人论坛
在加拿大 如果没工作,职业写“HOUSE WIFE, 老公是公民,应该会签吧?会不会老公这边也要出示工资单,税单,银行存款....这些东西啊? 先谢谢了! 评论 回复: 请教:如果没工作,职业写“HOUSE...华人论坛
在加拿大 Best Place on Meth:“Last February, the board’s Immigration Appeal Division granted Li Xue permission to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds despite her failure to disclose on a 2003 immigration application that her...华人论坛
在加拿大 Your wife's file is under review. We expect the review to be conducted shortly and will communicate with her in due course. 请问这是什么意思呀 评论 回复: 香港的回复,请问是什么意思!! 正在审查中,如果有需要会和...华人论坛
在加拿大 My wife wants to bring frozen fish on an airplane without any ice or other cooling. The airplane trip from Dallas USA to Kunming China will take about 30 hours. I have tried to tell her that the fish will spoil. Your advice please. 评论 Of...华人论坛