我FN快五个月,一直没有IP。想知道是否该查CAIPS,所以给www.caipsnotes.com写了信咨询。回信上说这个阶段只能查到非常简单的信息,没有任何处理状态显示。建议我过几个月再查。回信如下: CaipsNotes.com to me show details Mar 23 (7 days ago) Dear XXX,It may be too early to get the CAIPS, you can still order and will receive a file but it will have the very basic information like your name, date of birth etc. There will not be anything on the status of the file. You may want to consider ordering the file after a few months. RegardsThe Team at CaipsNotes.come-mail [email protected] 1-408-416-0891
http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=538306牛妈登陆温哥华 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=554091 牛妈女儿来到温哥华后的感受http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=560396中学生成绩单/ 在读证明/ 中英文对照免疫表 赏
1,272 $0.00 回复: 除非进入IP阶段很长时间,否则查CAIPS无意义想查的CAIPS的人可以直接去这个网站了解。CaipsNotes.com to me show details Mar 23 (8 days ago) Dear xxx:Thank you for contacting us. We have received your email and will do our best to respond as quickly as possible, however, circumstances may prevent us from replying the same day.To get answers to frequently asked questions please visit; http://caipsnotes.com/About.shtmlTo track the status of your order please visit; http://status.caipsnotes.comThanks for your interest in CaipsNotes.comRegards,The Team at CaipsNotes.comDate: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 22:13:17To contact us visit: http://caipsnotes.com/Contact.shtml评论
http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=538306牛妈登陆温哥华 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=554091 牛妈女儿来到温哥华后的感受http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=560396中学生成绩单/ 在读证明/ 中英文对照免疫表回复: 除非进入IP阶段很长时间,否则查CAIPS无意义谢谢分享,加声望!
2009年:10/1下定决心移民。2010年:1/11收到清华认证;4/28鸭熟,0213,自评67分;4/30初表DHL寄出;5/05妥投;8/05扣款;10/28RN到;11/01补料妥投BJ。2011年:2/17FN; 2012年:2/24要求补料; 4/11IP4句话 提高英文+快乐生活......回复: 除非进入IP阶段很长时间,否则查CAIPS无意义有用,我们之前的案子就是fn很多个月之后查的,发现我们在某些方面缺少资料,后来补上1各月后就给me了
回复: 除非进入IP阶段很长时间,否则查CAIPS无意义有用,我们之前的案子就是fn很多个月之后查的,发现我们在某些方面缺少资料,后来补上1各月后就给me了点击展开...不会吧,我的FN后半年查询的,确实只有一些材料递交悉尼时候的基本信息,打分除了年龄,其他什么都没有~~ 所以最好还是IP以后再去查
04AUG2008 上海 EMS 北京 -> 20AUG2008 FN -> 15DEC2009 非38退档 -> 14FEB2010 退费28JAN2010 Sydney G.MILLER签收->16MAR2010 RN->07JUL2010 FN VO:MAC->15FEB2011 山寨IP->15SEP2011 IP->16NOV2011 ME->19APR2012 PL->08MAY2012 VISA->15MAY2012 DM->22OCT2012 PR回复: 除非进入IP阶段很长时间,否则查CAIPS无意义back up
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