加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 烦请填过魁省0520AA 3月份表格、并
烦请填过 魁省0520AA 3月份表格、并取得FN的同学帮帮忙 魁省0520AA 3月份表格的第8项「教育」一项的附项中, 8.1 Are any of the diplomas entered under Question 8 Quebec diplomas or their equivalent and found among these choices: □ Quebec diploma□ Canadian diploma□ Diploma or training recognized as equivalent by a Quebec regulatory body (except medical degree)□ Foreign diploma covered by a mutual recognition agreement (ARM)□ other__________________________________________________ 中国学历的同学,应该是选 other 吧,那么後面的横线需要填吗? 应该填什么? 烦请符合情况并已取得FN的同道能不吝赐教,感激不尽!
回复: 烦请填过魁省0520AA 3月份表格、并取得FN的同学兕教选 foreign
2011/08/09 递料香港2011/08/10 妥投香港2011/10/05 签发FN2011/10/13 收到FN回复: 烦请填过魁省0520AA 3月份表格、并取得FN的同学兕教不好意思,我的错误,应该选other,至于后面的,有人说不填有人说填,所以我也还在困惑中
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