加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于CPR表格中出生地的一点疑问,终于得到官方
欢天喜地地打开大信封,看到CPR(Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms)中我的那一张里出生地信息为空白,老婆的都有。当时有点恐慌,于是给HK写email去问,10月22日发的电邮,11月8日收到了正式答复,说不影响登陆,没关系。这点小经验也和大家分享下问:To whom it may concern,I have got the Visas and Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms. When I compare my CPR with that of my wife's, I found it's blank in "Place of Birth" of my form. Please check the attached jpg file where I marked with red underline.Is it OK to leave just as it is or is it necessary to fill the information?答:Dear Applicant, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please be advised that it will not affecting your landing. You and your spouse must travel to Canada before the expiration date of the Permanent Resident Visas.
回复: 关于CPR表格中出生地的一点疑问,终于得到官方解答楼主有心人,赞
回复: 关于CPR表格中出生地的一点疑问,终于得到官方解答HK VO的回信居然都有语法错误。晕。
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