加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 请教萨斯雇主担分数计算
高中考的中专文凭不知道是不是相当于加拿大的高中文?Have a trade or occupational certification that required at least one year fulltimepost-secondary training or apprenticeship/apprenticeship equivalent.List Education:8Have the skills and experience to work in the intended occupation but no formalaccreditation. (The Saskatchewan employer must provided such information andassessment through the SINP Employer Online Information System)5 我中专毕业(高中考的) 算8分还是5分?拜托 打扰了!凭,请明白的帮忙解释一下
回复: 请教萨斯雇主担分数计算加拿大的高中应该是几年?
回复: 请教萨斯雇主担分数计算中专0分,有国内的职业资格证书8分
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