加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须


Evaluation Shows Ministerial Instructions are Relevant and NecessaryOttawa, March 19, 2012 ― According to a new evaluation, there is a continued need for Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to manage the intake and processing of immigration applications in a timely and efficient manner, and ministerial instructions (MI) are a flexible and responsive tool to do so.渥太华,MAR 19, 1012 -- 根据一项新的评估显示,CIC有持续需求去管理移民申请的接收和处理,使其更加及时和有效,而且部长指引(MI)是一个能够完成此任务的富有弹性和反应及时的工具。 “The evaluation confirms that it was right and necessary to take measures to manage the sheer volume of applications we receive,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. “该评估证实对我们所接收到的申请的自然量采取管理措施是正确的和有必要的”移民及多元化部长詹森・康尼说。In 2008, the Government of Canada introduced changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act through Bill C-50 (the Budget Implementation Act) to tackle the backlog of federal skilled worker (FSW) applications. At the time, more than 640,000 people were waiting to be processed in the FSW category. In order to increase labour market responsiveness and overall efficiency, the Minister was authorized under Bill C-50 to issue special instructions to immigration officers to limit the number of applications processed, accelerate some applications or groups of applications, and return some applications without processing them to a final decision. 2008年,加拿大政府提出《移民和难民保护法案》的修正案C-50 (预算执行法案),去处理联邦技术移民(FSW)的积案。当时,FSW类别有超过64万个积案等待处理。为了增加劳工市场的反应度及整体效率,部长在C-50法案授权下签署了特别指引,使移民官限制移民申请的数量,加速某些个案或类别的申请,并且不经审理而直接退回某些申请。According to the evaluation, MIs have helped to reduce the overall FSW backlog. Without MI-1, the FSW backlog would have been at least 850,000 people by 2012. Today, the total number of people awaiting a decision in the FSW program is under 470,000. Furthermore, processing times for newest FSW applicants have dropped considerably ? from five years in 2008 to 6?12 months.据该评估,部长指引(MI)已经帮助减少了FSW积案,如果没有MI-1,到2012年FSW积案至少可能会超过85万。而今天,待审理的FSW积案的人数是少于47万。而且,最新的FSW申请的个案处理时间从2008年的5年显著减少到目前的6~12个月。“Our government’s priority is jobs and economic growth. We are committed to the creation of a fast, nimble and flexible immigration system that can help our economy grow,” said Minister Kenney.“我们政府的首要任务是就业和经济增长,我们致力于创造一个快速,灵敏和灵活的移民系统去帮助我们的经济增长”,部长康尼说。 For more information, please see the full evaluation.Photo of Minister Kenney will be available later today.Follow us on Twitter (new window to unfollow or login):Follow @CitImmCanada twitter.com/CitImmCanadaFor further information (media only), please contact:Ana CuricMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-954-1064 Media Relations Communications Branch Citizenship and Immigration [email protected]

2007年12月01日 烤鸭了;2007年12月1X日 鸭子好了(没熟透,凑合了);2007年12月21日 申请表递HK了; 2007年12月24日 HK签收了; 2008年02月29日 申请费扣走了;2008年07月28日 FN (08月09号收到)回复: CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须沙发

回复: CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须伟大光荣正确的部长.

老赵传奇回复: CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须重要的是最后一句:“Our government’s priority is jobs and economic growth. We are committed to the creation of a fast, nimble and flexible immigration system that can help our economy grow,” said Minister Kenney. 目前的体系不够好,今后继续变化的可能性很大。

2007年12月01日 烤鸭了;2007年12月1X日 鸭子好了(没熟透,凑合了);2007年12月21日 申请表递HK了; 2007年12月24日 HK签收了; 2008年02月29日 申请费扣走了;2008年07月28日 FN (08月09号收到)回复: CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须自卖自夸

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: CIC上3月19日的信息,部长指引恰当且必须谁造就了积案,C50正是导致积案的元凶。

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