加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电
Good day,Attached is the letter DoJ sent to the Court today in response to the letter I sent yesterday and which I received after I had returned from the CTV studio. It contains both good and bad news but, overall, presents no problem.The good news is that CIC will not abolish the older files unless Parliament passes legislation allowing him to do so. Thus, unless and until then, the Minister's plan has no effect on our litigation. If, before such legislation is passed, we get an order from the Court requiring the Minister to process the litigants' files, CIC will still have to process our litigants' files even after CIC has closed the door to the unassessed pre-27 February 2008 files.The other good news is that "approximately 30 to 40" of the Class I litigants' files were assessed before 29 March 2012. Therefore, they are safe no matter what.The bad news is that, once the legislation is passed -- and, as the Government has a majority in the House, its legislation will be passed unless withdrawn -- DoJ will move to have dismissed the other Class I applications on the grounds that the Court may not order CIC to process a file which no longer exists. However, Mr. Gold is only confirming what I had already expected and something for which I have already conjured a counter measure -- hence the reason his letter does not disturb me.The race is now on to see whether our case is decided before the legislation is passed. Finally, because the Minister has thrust the issue into the political arena, it means that other pressures may be brought to bear to oblige a reversal. For example, while the Minister claimed that 200,000 applicants are all that are involved, the true figure (as of January 6th) is 302,365; and, while he has had set aside $130 million to repay the processing fees, the cost for 300,000 principle applicants is $166 million and, when one includes the dependants, the Treasury will be out $350 million. Thus, when the truth comes out, the Government may rethink its position.Regards,Tim
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了我的回信: Hi Tim, Thank you for heart-warming news. I have some points to present here: [1]Is there any possible to pick up the applications from backlog bacause they have raised ligitation;If so, the pass of legistation will not affect us; [2]If [1] not, the dates for pass of legistation and the order from Court are crucial. Can you deduce it from past expierence? [3]The true figure of applicants and the amount of money maybe not right, but CIC did not promise to finish the return within ONE year. So please pay attention to this gap; [4]CIC did not mentioned compensation of the applicants. If we raise the sue of compensation, is it lawful to force CIC to withdraw the returning? BR
老赵传奇 赏 反馈:aileen.feng 2012-04-05#3 小 111 $0.00 回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了That stupid Kenny is lying again!! For example, while the Minister claimed that 200,000 applicants are all that are involved, the true figure (as of January 6th) is 302,365; and, while he has had set aside $130 million to repay the processing fees, the cost for 300,000 principle applicants is $166 million and, when one includes the dependants, the Treasury will be out $350 million. Thus, when the truth comes out, the Government may rethink its position.
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了A great job !Thank you!
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了这是我当时没有参与Tim诉讼的原因之一,他连最起码的数据分析都不仔细做!根据2011Q4的数据,Pre-C50的积案是301,917persons,105,491cases。按照case*2*550(adult)+(person-2*case)*150(kid)的方法计算,费用总额为130M。。。且不说这302中,还有16K已经打分的。。。他的Arguing Point应该在于赔偿不仅仅是申请费,我们还要其他索赔。 真担心他这样跟人家说,CIC一把就把他扳倒了,其他的论据都没机会提。参与诉讼的记得跟他澄清下。需要的话我可以跟他一起看。。。
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.4回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了对,我赞成将赔偿重点应包括其他索赔,这才是天文数字。
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了对,不能只是退回申请费,还有很多其他费用呢,包括等待过程中的损失。全部应该赔偿才对。
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了如何参加这个律师的打官司,胜算率有多大,请告之,本人也想参与
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了如何参加这个律师的打官司,胜算率有多大,请告之,本人也想参与点击展开...如果你已S2了,就到北京版块找Ksun置顶的帖子报名,如果没S2就去HK板块老付的帖子报名,我也觉得Tim有点不靠谱,所以上次没参加起诉。老付和Ksun的律师可能不是Tim
2013年加拿大,我来了。回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了Tim的这句话: the Court may not order CIC to process a file which no longer exists. 阻止法案的通过现在最迫切的事情, 把索赔的人员和索赔金额向他们开出来才最有可能阻止.
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了无论胜算率多大,都应该积极参与! 中国就是观望的人和想坐享其成的人太多,所以影响团结!
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了这贴有道理啊http://forum.canadameet.org/showthread.php?t=554785
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了Tim的统计数据确实有点小问题,但我还是相信他,我有很多很多相信他的理由。他这段时间的活动,还有和的电邮来往的字里行间,都给我感觉是富有同情心并且实干的人!
回复: Tim律师的最新来信,消息有好有坏,估计要上电视了Tim在做两手准备,集体诉讼早就准备了
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