加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ca 那边的回信
Good Morning, Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns about the decision to return all Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications that were made prior to February 27, 2007. I agree that this approach is grossly unfair to people who have been planning to make a new home in Canada. The people who are affected have followed all the rules, done everything we have asked of them and waited patiently, for up to 8 years, for us to uphold our part of the bargain. Legislating away the backlog in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the Government. Instead of addressing the backlog, the Government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who applied since early 2008 to queue jump ahead those who applied before. This is not fair. Recently, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration conducted a study and made several recommendations on how to reduce the backlog of applications. We proposed several prudent and sensible ways to address the massive backlog. The Minister has chosen to ignore all of these proposals and proceed with a scheme that will destroy the plans and dreams of thousands of people who have prepared make Canada their home. Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns. If you have not already, I strongly suggest you write to Minster Jason Kenney and the Prime Minister to let them know your objections. Warm regards, Don [FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Don Davies, M.P. [/FONT][FONT="]Vancouver Kingsway[/FONT][FONT="]Official Opposition Critic for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism[/FONT][FONT="]ph: (613) 943-0267[/FONT][FONT="]www.dondavies.ca[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT][FONT="]www.facebook.com/DonDaviesNDP[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT][FONT="]www.twitter.com/DonDavies[/FONT]
回复: ca 那边的回信Don Davies的回信,不错!这个人一直是康胖子的对头,批评康胖子最多的人,这个人如果上台,我们就有福了!
回复: ca 那边的回信楼主2006年注册的帐号,发这么少的帖子,现在是不是也忍无可忍了啊。叹气!
回复: ca 那边的回信The Minister has chosen to ignore... I strongly suggest you write to Minster Jason Kenney and the Prime Minister to let them know your objections.点击展开...看起来现在只有指望这两个人良心发现,悬崖勒马...
回复: ca 那边的回信Don Davies的回信,不错!这个人一直是康胖子的对头,批评康胖子最多的人,这个人如果上台,我们就有福了!点击展开...自由党没有一个强势的党领,现在的支持度更是持续低迷,一时半会儿是缓不回来了。当年马田一片看好的形势下,竟在最后几周,被Harper不可思议的逆转,从此,江河日下,在国会连个反对党的地位都没保住。 未来10到20年,保守党会做大,没人能撼动的。
回复: ca 那边的回信希望一切都好,也希望这次的91能够给加拿大在移民政策的制定上做出新的警示和指南。这估计应该是人类移民史上最大的一次拒绝案例了。
回复: ca 那边的回信不管结果如何,我们一定要努力。
回复: ca 那边的回信Don Davies的回信,不错!这个人一直是康胖子的对头,批评康胖子最多的人,这个人如果上台,我们就有福了!点击展开...这个人是NDP的移民专员,换句话说,一旦NDP上台的话,移民及多元化部长就是他来做
回复: ca 那边的回信好 ,毕竟有人听到了我们的声音。让这声音由小变大,直至震耳发聩:我们要公平!
回复: ca 那边的回信好 ,毕竟有人听到了我们的声音。让这声音由小变大,直至震耳发聩:我们要公平!点击展开...
回复: ca 那边的回信注意到他后来提出的那两个人没?大家要发信给那两个人。总结几条出来给他们发信。多发。
回复: ca 那边的回信奇怪,不知道他后来说的那两个人的信箱啊
回复: ca 那边的回信奇怪,不知道他后来说的那两个人的信箱啊点击展开...那两个人中的第一个不就是康废么??
回复: ca 那边的回信Good Morning, Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns about the decision to return all Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications that were made prior to February 27, 2007. I agree that this approach is grossly unfair to people who have been planning to make a new home in Canada. The people who are affected have followed all the rules, done everything we have asked of them and waited patiently, for up to 8 years, for us to uphold our part of the bargain. Legislating away the backlog in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the Government. Instead of addressing the backlog, the Government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who applied since early 2008 to queue jump ahead those who applied before. This is not fair. Recently, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration conducted a study and made several recommendations on how to reduce the backlog of applications. We proposed several prudent and sensible ways to address the massive backlog. The Minister has chosen to ignore all of these proposals and proceed with a scheme that will destroy the plans and dreams of thousands of people who have prepared make Canada their home. Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns. If you have not already, I strongly suggest you write to Minster Jason Kenney and the Prime Minister to let them know your objections. Warm regards, Don [FONT="]Don Davies, M.P. [/FONT][FONT="]Vancouver Kingsway[/FONT][FONT="]Official Opposition Critic for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism[/FONT][FONT="]ph: (613) 943-0267[/FONT][FONT="]www.dondavies.ca[/FONT][FONT="]www.facebook.com/DonDaviesNDP[/FONT][FONT="][URL="http://www.twitter.com/DonDavies"]www.twitter.com/DonDavies[/FONT][/URL]点击展开... 楼主这个真的是他的回信阿? 怎么连部长这个单词都写错了阿? minster 是不是应该是 minister阿?
回复: ca 那边的回信这两个人一个是 康废 一个是哈勃 两人穿一条裤子,给他们两写信真不知道能有啥用,哎
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