加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又收到一封加拿大议员的回信,大家应该继续保


Dear Xibeilun,Thank you for taking the time to write to the government and to me to express your concerns about the decision to return all Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications that were made prior to February 27, 2007.This approach is grossly unfair to people who have in good faith sought to make a new home in Canada. Those affected have followed all the rules, done everything Canadian immigration services have asked of them and waited patiently, for up to eight years, for them to uphold their part of the bargain. Legislating away the backlog of applications in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the government. Instead of addressing the backlog and the cause of the delays, the government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who have applied for immigration via this tract since early 2008 to jump ahead of those who applied before them. This is, simply said, unfair.Recently, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration conducted a study and made several recommendations on how to reduce this backlog of applications. The NDP proposed several prudent and sensible solutions. The Minister has chosen to ignore all of these proposals and proceed with a scheme that will destroy the plans and dreams of thousands of people who were prepared to make Canada their new home.Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns to me. If you have not already, I strongly suggest you write to the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, the Honorable Jason Kenney, and the Prime Minister to express your objections.Sincerely,Linda DuncanMember of Parliament for Edmonton Strathcona Official Opposition Critic for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation.回复: 又收到一封加拿大议员的回信,大家应该继续保持斗志好!继续发表我们的声音!

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010回复: 又收到一封加拿大议员的回信,大家应该继续保持斗志感谢楼主发出的声音。但是,读完之后受到点小打击。没有看出来这位议员能帮什么忙?除了代表个人表示的同情,就是踢皮球。

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