You full name.Your age.Your nationality.The city where you currently reside.The name of the university, and the exact degree/major you graduated from.How many year of work experience you have? In what country?How many dependants you have on your applications? Plus their names.When did you submit your application? (exact date)The score you received.What IELTS score did you get?What have you been doing in the past few years while waiting for a decision on your application?How did you feel about the long wait? Were you hopeful that a decision was coming?When and how did you learn about the Canadian government’s plan to return all pre-2008 applications?How did it make you feel?Do you think it’s unfair? Why is it unfair?What kind of impact it has had on you and your family?The government said interested people can re-apply under the “new, quicker” processing. What do you think? Do you think what our government has done is unethnical and draconian? Do you feel Canada has lost its integrity by arbitrarily doing so? Has Canada lost its repute and appeal?By the way, I spoke with Tim and will be working on a story about the frustration of the pre-2008 skilled applicants over the government’s plan to return all backlogged applications.Do you mind to be interviewed on the record? Or can you refer me to someone in the same boat, with the person’s email? I’ve got a couple upset applicants from India. But I know many from China will also be affected. I just want readers to know that it’s not just a problem for applicants from India but from other countries, too.[FONT=宋体]如果你愿意分享你的移民故事,请接受多伦多星报记者[FONT=微软雅黑]Nicholas Keung[FONT=微软雅黑]的访问,内容如上述,他的邮件地址:[email protected][FONT=微软雅黑]他于去年第一个报道了TIM律师的起诉,是我们的朋友[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 赏
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧尼古拉斯是我们的朋友,他还将报道本次散步,我答应第一时间给他散步的图片和信息 我本人已发送答复,但好象不够典型,他当然是期望有苦大仇深的同学提供典型故事点击展开...俺也愿意接受采访,周末给他发邮件
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进我也愿意接受采访,只要能为91苦难中的大家出点力,没啥钱,但力气有!
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进我愿意,周末把信息发给他
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进一起努力,不相信公平是由康肥一人解释的
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进只要发邮件吗?不是面谈?
2007/12/26 EMS HK2008/07/-- FN VO: KTAYS: T:6.5,L:6.5,R:7,W:6,S:6.5 自评:67回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进好的。周末发邮件。
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进已经回邮件回答问题了,虽然不是苦大仇深,但是真的是很影响自己的生活啊!!!
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进愿意接受采访!
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进只要发邮件吗?不是面谈?点击展开...不需要面谈但可能会打电话没事啦,接到电话算中奖----免费练口语啦
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: [email protected] details of permanent failure:DNS Error: Domain name not found 邮件发不出去啊??
2007/12/26 EMS HK2008/07/-- FN VO: KTAYS: T:6.5,L:6.5,R:7,W:6,S:6.5 自评:67回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进我写了邮件,公布了俺的个人信息呢。哈
2007/12/26 EMS HK2008/07/-- FN VO: KTAYS: T:6.5,L:6.5,R:7,W:6,S:6.5 自评:67回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进星报的域名是thestar.ca,请查实
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进我写了邮件,公布了俺的个人信息呢。哈点击展开... 米2
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧星报的域名是thestar.ca,请查实点击展开... 你解释一下为什么家园网Admin的邮箱地址是[email protected]? http://accounts.iask.cafo/contact/about.aspx 为什么是gmail的域名? 你是明显的来意不善!
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进已发邮件,但忘记留电话了。呵呵
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进地址是.ca,不是.cao
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进You full name.Your age.Your nationality.The city where you currently reside.The name of the university, and the exact degree/major you graduated from.How many year of work experience you have? In what country?How many dependants you have on your applications? Plus their names.When did you submit your application? (exact date)The score you received.What IELTS score did you get?What have you been doing in the past few years while waiting for a decision on your application?How did you feel about the long wait? Were you hopeful that a decision was coming?When and how did you learn about the Canadian government’s plan to return all pre-2008 applications?How did it make you feel?Do you think it’s unfair? Why is it unfair?What kind of impact it has had on you and your family?The government said interested people can re-apply under the “new, quicker” processing. What do you think? Do you think what our government has done is unethnical and draconian? Do you feel Canada has lost its integrity by arbitrarily doing so? Has Canada lost its repute and appeal?By the way, I spoke with Tim and will be working on a story about the frustration of the pre-2008 skilled applicants over the government’s plan to return all backlogged applications.Do you mind to be interviewed on the record? Or can you refer me to someone in the same boat, with the person’s email? I’ve got a couple upset applicants from India. But I know many from China will also be affected. I just want readers to know that it’s not just a problem for applicants from India but from other countries, too.[FONT=宋体]如果你愿意分享你的移民故事,请接受多伦多星报记者[FONT=微软雅黑]Nicholas Keung[FONT=微软雅黑]的访问,内容如上述,他的邮件地址:[email protected][FONT=微软雅黑]他于去年第一个报道了TIM律师的起诉,是我们的朋友[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]点击展开... 邮件地址到底是 .cao 还是.ca ?
回复: 愿意接受多伦多星报记者采访的TX请进你解释一下为什么家园网Admin的邮箱地址是[email protected]? http://accounts.iask.cafo/contact/about.aspx 为什么是gmail的域名? 你是明显的来意不善!点击展开...乱咬之前要不要先做做功课?
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