加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 安省PNP技术移民,最后两天递
安省PNP技术移民增加600个由FSW转过来的名额,没有准备好材料的可以先递申请,再补材料。To get more skilled workers into Ontario faster, the province is working with the federal government to help reduce the backlog under the Federal Skilled Workers Program through the FSW Backlog Reduction Pilot (FSW Pilot).Ontario is assisting with this backlog by nominating up to 600 additional foreign workers this year (2012). This is a separate component to the existing Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program (Opportunities Ontario). Opportunities Ontario’s nominations cap of 1,000 for 2012 will remain for the other parts of the program.CIC has issued letters to all potential applicants, inviting them to apply to Ontario’s FSW Pilot. Please note that only individuals who received this letter may apply to Ontario’s FSW Pilot. Applicants will have until May 4, 2012, to submit an application to Opportunities Ontario.
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