加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请指正:61行动宣言


您好:我是2008年2月27日前交加拿大技移民申(SAP)的中申人。我再次行反C38法案。定於6月1日至3日,地加拿大港前。2012年以,以肯尼先生代表的加拿大移民局出新政,通C38法案,我反其中於SAP申人的部分:87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect.   (2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero.   87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements appli-cable to that class.   (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012.   (3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa.C38是大的法案有400之多,只出28.5小去通。而28SAP申人的上述文只是其中的短短一部分,很得到真,在我看是一SAP申人的,是裔特是人的歧!我中的大部分自家http://findjiayuan.com/,家也是我行,,取成的平。在家的助下,我建立反C38法案的名站。首先我已取得香港警方的可令。活由部分成:第一, 坐抗。我身著白色服,白色布,在加拿大港事前坐示威和行。我已徵集和口,手,在行呼喊口第二, 少部分成已意食,他身穿色服,色布,自掘石。我自逢,食行至少24小。第三,6月1日晚光抗. 6月1日我亮光,祈希望和正。另外我了一宣,主“拍出你的怒和痛”,用人或家庭抗照片宣我的抗活。我反C38法案,反一刀切,反肯尼先生, 反岐人!我不接受的退,我主去年中的全部失,那是可估量的!最後我介一下本次活LOGO,是被火焰的中文“怒”,印在T恤、和球上。我需要您的助!迎垂,迎任何形式的回!Dear Sir or Madam:We are a group of Chinese, who submitted immigrant application before 27th, February, 2008 under a simplified program as skilled workers (SAP applicants).We plan to take demonstration once more to oppose the C38 bill. The time will be from 1st of June to the next continuous two days in the front of Hongkong Canada General Consulate.Since the earlier of this year Minister Kenny has published series new policies. Now they plan to pass the C38 bill while we oppose the part referring to SAP applicants.87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect.   (2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero.87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements appli-cable to that class.   (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012.   (3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa.C38 is an enormous bill which has 400 pages but the ruling party would like to over it within 28.5 hours. It is incredible. The part referring to SAP applicants is a very short phrase so it is hard to be discussed seriously. So we think it is an absolute trick. No doubt it is discrimination against Asians especially Chinese!Most of us are from the website ‘http://findjiayuan.com/’ and it is also a good platform for us sponsoring the active, discussing the details, and recruiting more members. Please keep your attention on the http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=562497 so you may get the latest news from us.We have gotten the permission of Hongkong Police Station.The demonstration consists with several parts:The main part is Sitting Quiet and Parade. We plan to have at least 50 members sitting together and parading per two hours around the square with the united white T-shirts and white headwear. We will have banners and slogans during the whole active.Secondly a few of us will wear red T-shirt with a red headwear since they will hunger strike at least 24 hours. Some tents will be there as well.The third part is Candela Evening for Against CIC. We will light candles at the night of 1st June. We will expect the hope, the justice with the peaceful light.Addition to that there will be a wall which has a theme ‘show out your rage and your hurt’. It will be decorated by photos and it aims to express what we have been wounded and what our lives have been changed.We oppose C38 bill. We oppose Cutting-off. We oppose Minister Kenny. We oppose the excusive from Chinese.We will ask the full compensation for our lost if we were cut finally. Not just the fees, but also our potential lost in last several years. It will be invaluable apparently.In the end I would like to share the logo for this time. It is a bigger Chinese ‘NU’ surrounded by flame we have got great angry!The logo will be printed on our shirts, umbrellas and balloonsWe do need your help!Any reply will be highly appreciated!Please feel freely to connect me if you are available.

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧赞反馈:bobosong, xzh6339, popiston 和 3 其他人 2012-05-07#2 B 1,238 $0.00 回复: 请指正:61行动宣言1、欢迎修改2、欢迎全部重写3、各种欢迎

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言北风,各种爱你!!!!!

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.回复: 请指正:61行动宣言现在法案还没通过。我们还应该要求加速审理,法案通过前能多过几个人多过几个人。 前段时间香港发可以忽视s2的信,说明他们的确没事可做了,前面都审理完了,下面的工作本来就是不停的发s2,审查91补料了。所以我们要求加速他们正好可以不用那么闲。

现在法案还没通过。我们还应该要求加速审理,法案通过前能多过几个人多过几个人。 前段时间香港发可以忽视s2的信,说明他们的确没事可做了,前面都审理完了,下面的工作本来就是不停的发s2,审查91补料了。所以我们要求加速他们正好可以不用那么闲。点击展开...是啊,一说不审了,发拒料信又快又积极,早这样这么多年早审理完了?一定要给他们压力!一定要在香港移民局门口过61!

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.回复: 请指正:61行动宣言[FONT=宋体]您好:[/FONT]Dear Sir or Madam:We submitted our immigrant application before 27th, February, 2008 as skilled workers (SAP applicants).[FONT=宋体]我们是[/FONT]2008[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]27[FONT=宋体]日前[/FONT][FONT=宋体]递交加拿大技术移民申请([/FONT]SAP[FONT=宋体])的中国申请人。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]我们准备再次行动反对[/FONT]C38[FONT=宋体]法案。时间定于[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT][FONT=宋体]至[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]日,地点加拿大驻港总领馆前。[/FONT]We plan to take another demonstration to oppose the C38 bill. The time will be from 1st of June to the next continuous days in the front of Hongkong Canada General Consulate .2012[FONT=宋体]年以来,以肯尼先生为代表的加拿大移民局频出新政,准备通过[/FONT]C38[FONT=宋体]法案,我们反对其中关于[/FONT]SAP[FONT=宋体]申请人的部分:[/FONT]Since the earlier of this year Minister Kenny has published serious new policies. Now they plan to pass the C38 bill while we oppose the part referring to SAP applicants.87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect. [FONT=宋体]  [/FONT](2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero. [FONT=宋体]  [/FONT]87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements appli-cable to that class. [FONT=宋体]  [/FONT](2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012. [FONT=宋体]  [/FONT](3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa. C38[FONT=宋体]是个庞大的法案[/FONT][FONT=宋体]有400页之多,却只给出28.5个小时去讨论通过。而针对28万SAP申请人的上述条文只是其中的短短一部分,很难得到认真讨论,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]在我们看来[/FONT][FONT=宋体]这绝对是一个针对SAP申请人的阴谋,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]是针对亚裔特别是华人的歧视![/FONT] C38 is a enormous bill which has 400 pages but the ruling party would like to over it within 28.5 hours. It is incredible. The part referring to SAP applicants is a very short phrase in it so it is hard to be discussed seriously. So we think it is a absolute trick. No doubt it is discrimination against Asians especially we Chinese! [FONT=宋体]首先我们将取得香港警方的许可令。[/FONT]Firstly we will take the permission of Hongkong Police Station.[FONT=宋体]我们计划身着白色服装,头缠白色布带,在加拿大驻港领事馆前静坐示威和游行。另有少部分成员已决意绝食,他们会身穿红色服装,头缠红色布带,掘石[/FONT]24[FONT=宋体]小时。我们的目标是吸引到平均每天[/FONT]50[FONT=宋体]人参加镜座,至少[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]名成员参加绝食。整个活动至少持续三天。[/FONT]Most of us will wear the united white T-shirt with a white headwear to sit quietly and go around the square per two hours. A few of us will wear red T-shirt with a red headwear since they will fast at least 24 hours. We aim to have 50 members per day and at least 3 will fast each day. The whole demonstration will last 3 days.[FONT=宋体]我们反对[/FONT]C38[FONT=宋体]法案,反对一刀切,反对肯尼先生[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]反对岐视华人![/FONT] We oppose C38 bill. We oppose Cutting-off. We oppose Minister Kenny. We oppose the excusive from Chinese. [FONT=宋体]我们不接受简单的退费,我们将主张过去数年中的全部损失,那将是无可估量的![/FONT]We will ask the full compensation for our lost if we were cut finally. Not just the fees, but also our potential lost in last several years. It will be invaluable apparently. [FONT=宋体]我们需要您的帮助![/FONT]We do need your help![FONT=宋体]欢迎垂询,欢迎任何形式的回复![/FONT]Any reply will be highly appreciated!

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言我们准备再次行动反对C38[FONT=宋体]法案,还要求加快审理我们的案子[/FONT]

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言我们准备再次行动反对C38[FONT=宋体]法案,还要求加快审理我们的案子[/FONT]点击展开...赞成 另外,这是我准备发给媒体的信 这次的PETITION还是MOI来写他比较犀利,英文超级棒

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言顶北风!

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言和天天蓝、群里TX商量后,今天做了修改,请TX们给意见! 欢迎修改,欢迎重写! 特别欢迎转载!!! 我尝试各种越狱无果,请有条件的TX,转到印度人、加国人、FACEBOOK,TWITTE,扩大宣传! 各种欢迎!

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言 我试着修改了一个版本,调整了文章结构,抛砖引玉。――――――――――――――――――――――――您好: 我们是2008年2月27日前递交加拿大技术移民申请(SAP)的中国申请人。 从一开始申请,我们就严格按加拿大移民局(CIC)的要求,积极准备材料,充实自己的技能,耐心排队。但是,我们得到的回报,却是案子不断被CIC陆续推出的各种新政推迟,从最开始承诺24-30个月审完,到现在最长的拖至超过5年。更令人震惊的是,2012年3月29日,以杰森・肯尼先生为代表的加拿大移民局宣布,准备将所有因他们的无能和低效造成的大量积案,采取极其不负责的一刀切办法全部清除,并试图将其并入2013年国会预算案(C38法案)中强行通过(见注二),更试图封杀申请人的起诉权和追偿权,实在为文明社会罕见的野蛮之举。 如该法案生效,全球被影响的申请者达28万人,递交北京和香港的中国申请者超过2万。C38是个庞大的法案有400页之多,却只给出28.5个小时去讨论通过。而针对28万SAP申请人的上述条文只是其中的短短一部分,很难得到认真讨论,在我们看来这绝对是一个针对SAP申请人的阴谋,是针对亚裔特别是华人的歧视!(请阐述针对亚裔和华人的理由) 我们反对C38法案,反对一刀切,反对肯尼先生, 反对岐视华人!我们不接受简单的退费,我们将主张过去数年中的全部损失,那将是无可估量的!我们将联合全球所有被害者,通过一切合法手段(包括发起多个诉讼、请愿、抗议、甚至绝食),向加拿大政府讨回公道! 6月1-3日,我们将再次在香港发起大规模的抗议行动反对C38法案,地点在加拿大驻港总领事馆前。活动由几部分组成:第一,静坐示威三天。第二,绝食抗议至少24小时。第三,烛光抗议。6月1日晚上我们将在总领馆前点亮烛光,祈祷希望和正义。 移民论坛家园网http://findjiayuan.com/,是我们本次活动组织和发布的平台,欢迎关注和垂询。在家园网的帮助下,我们还将建立专门反对C38法案的签名网站。我们需要您的帮助,欢迎任何形式的回复! 媒体垂询请联系:公众关注和参与请留意家园网的香港论坛。 注一:本公开宣言将发给加拿大、香港及全球各大媒体,并通过各种社交媒体向公众传播。注二: C38法案中关于作废2008年2月27日之前申请人的部分: 87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect.   (2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero. 87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements appli-cable to that class.   (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012.   (3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa.

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言beifeng ,我印象里fast主要用在斋月的禁食 ,普通的绝食抗议应该不是这个,以前看报纸里的hunger strike 是不是更适合这次的行动。

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言beifeng ,我印象里fast主要用在斋月的禁食 ,普通的绝食抗议应该不是这个,以前看报纸里的hunger strike 是不是更适合这次的行动。点击展开...好,谢啦

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言为避免来到家园网的人找不到活动入口,互联网发送时不妨附上召集帖的链接,一点击即可快速进入。

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言已发给媒体和议员,欢迎通告有中介的同学请转给中介有facebook和twitter的同学请转发欢迎引用欢迎传播欢迎现场支持

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言不支持繁体,有点乱这个电脑中没有简体版周一改

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧不支持繁体,有点乱 这个电脑中没有简体版 周一改点击展开... 你联系媒体的事情怎么样了? 有回复吗? 根据上次的经验,诚意要报道的媒体,会在你发信之后48小时内派记者和你沟通。如果没有回音,就代表这些媒体不感兴趣了。

回复: 请指正:61行动宣言你联系媒体的事情怎么样了? 有回复吗? 根据上次的经验,诚意要报道的媒体,会在你发信之后48小时内派记者和你沟通。如果没有回音,就代表这些媒体不感兴趣了。点击展开...刚发出,在等

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 请指正:61行动宣言你已经给哪些媒体发了邀请函?

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