加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK VO的回信


本人是07年4月的FN,上个月我写了5封邮件给他们问还会不会有S2,结果他们今天回了一封给我,贴出来给大家看,我还没有时间看[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Dear Sir/Madam,[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']This message is in regards to the SAP (Simplified Application Process) Federal Skilled Worker application you submitted in 2006 or 2007. [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Budget 2012 (Economic Action Plan 2012) proposes to eliminate the backlog in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program by terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008. Applicants whose application would be terminated as a result will have the fees paid to CIC returned to them. The FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget may be enacted by amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) through the Budget Implementation Act (BIA) bill. The FSW proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. The BIA has now been introduced. However, the coming into force date, if the bill becomes law, is not yet known.[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']As a result, until such time as the FSW proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions. We doubt, though, that we will be asking you to perfect your application before the bill comes into law. You may choose to withdraw your application now, if you think it is your best interest to do so. [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Consulate General of Canada[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Hong Kong[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Immigration Section[/FONT]

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: HK VO的回信和给我的回信一字不差,我都能背下来了。

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.回复: HK VO的回信^_^

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·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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