加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民联明信讨论,三个月解决方案,无辜被切的赔偿


请大家继续讨论下列联名信的内容,建议或补充。 C38通过,政府颁布之日? 6月申诉结果迫使CIC延期三个月,同时CIC加速91案“一刀切”(退案),所以继续抗议声援(个人或联名形式),向肯泥加压让他让步。 新同学想加入联明抗议信,欢迎加入。QQ群: 236938206 ,新稿可跟帖家园。捐款的同学在此表示感谢。小组现不收捐款。 ID家园,真名拼音(被切全家人都可写上),FN号请发至 [email protected] , TO:加国政府 我们写信是关于C38之后的移民积案解决问题。延期三月(原文)内容。同时,CIC也开始了对受影响的28万人审理和拒绝的处理,按照OB442进行。据三月延期内容,请政府善解人意地告诉我们下列问题如何处理:1.三个月内有多少能结案或处理? 2. 2012年有多少配额用于旧案?3. 多少人不受限制?4. 多少人被切?5. 用1万配额解决28万的积案,有效方法是什么?若配额不够,其他人是否全切掉? 现我们明白的是, 问题不在技术移民程序问题,不在于旧案,是错误的决定藏在C38中。随便剥夺他们的权利,对无辜技术移民者不公平,是侵权。因此,我们相信,从现在起,必须要一个接一个的起诉。必须告诉政府这样做是错误的决定。我们对赔偿之事问个明白,至少下列的必要支出。1. 5~8年黄金时间和青春?2. 5~8年升级、投资、移民别国丧失的机会?3. 利息、保证金贬值?4. 3~7次考试费 ?书钱?异地考试交通费(机票,车票)。5. 全家上培训班学外语?6. 提供文件公证费等?7. 移民加国支付中介费?8. 丢工作学外语,工资损失。9. 诉讼费的各项支出。10.损失的比花的还多,赔偿多少钱?根据以上因素,保守党政府是怎样算出每一个家庭只退申请费约1000加元? 如果你为加国梦想付出一切,损失了其他机会,没有原因无辜被切掉,你会怎么办?这就是加国为之荣耀,公平、慷慨、人道主义的移民政策?我们需要你们帮助尽快解决28万的技术移民,因为我们一直在遵循你们的承诺,先来先到。 期待保守党政府的答复。Dear Sir,We are writing to you regarding the solution of immigration backlog under Federal Skilled Worker Program after C-38 passed on June 29,2012 . Upto 90 days: CIC has agreed not to return any Pre 2008 FSW application, ''CIC has agreed not to return any Pre 2008 FSW application upto 90 days after the Bill C-38 becomes a Law and the judge has issued a court order regarding the same after a meeting with respective Lawyers. '' At the same time, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) also start to process or refuse these applications of 280,000 affected skilled immigrants, according to Operational Bulletin 442, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob442.aspPlease the Conservative government kindly tells us how to deal with the following problems now?1. How many pre-200 applications can be processed or finished by CIC within three months from July to September, 2012 ? 2. How many federal skilled worker immigration quotas in 2012 can apply to pre-2008 backlog this time ? 3. How many applicants is unlimited under C-38 ? 4. How many pre-2008 applicants will be cut off ?5. What is the effective solution that about 10,000 quota remain can deal with 280,000 applicants in 2012 ? If there are not enough quotas, are all the other eligible skilled immigrants be cut off as well??Now we understand that the trouble is not Federal Skilled Worker Program or immigration backlog, and is that C-38 buried wrong-headed decision in Harper’s Trojan horse budget bill. Arbitrarily despriving their rights, it is not fair to the innocent skilled immigrants and violates human rights.Therefore,we believe that we must join the litigation one by one from now on. We must tell the government eliminating pre-2008 backlog is a wrong decision even C38 was passed. we should clearly ask the Conservative government for our compensation at least with all necessary expense as follows.1. how much to pay our golden time for patient waiting five to eight years ?2. how much to pay our opportunity cost including losing the chances of promotion, investment and immigrating to other countries these years?3. how much to pay our interest and devaluation of the currency for immigration guarantee amount? 4. how much to pay our language examination fees from three to seven times, and all book fees and transportation for language examination?5. how much to pay three persons (our family ) training tuitions at foreign language school several times?6. how much to pay our notarization fees and others fees for immigration supporting documents ?7. how much to pay our fees to immigrate Canada for consultants and agency?8. how much to pay our salary because losing our job to study English or French?9. How much to pay our costs for our litigation costs including the consult fee, legal fare and other so on.10. how much to pay our loss more than money spent, others and so on ?How does the Conservative government calculate to pay refund of about 1000dollars per family for our all loss according to the above factors?. If you pay everything for your dream of Canada and lose other opportunities, you are cut off without any reason and pay back applicationrefund after several years, what do you do ? Is it Canada glory, fair, generous and humanitarian immigration policy?We need your help to deal with 280,000 skilled immigrants as soon as possible via more positive approach, following your promise that first come , first out.We look forward to hearing from the Conservative government. Skilled immigrantsOur names and file Number are below for our joint letter .... [FONT=宋体]New names and file Numbers will continue to come after our confirmation.[/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]....[/FONT]

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?Not a good idea. Should focus on legal action from now on. Just my 2 cents.

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?堕掉孩子等移民?! 你够狠!

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?支持

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?支持

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?堕掉孩子等移民?! 你够狠!点击展开...也不是没有可能如果超生的话很大可能就是堕了难道做蝗虫去海外生啊?康肥也不欢迎啊

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?堕掉孩子等移民?! 你够狠!点击展开...绝对有可能,有些夫妇怀孕了,想着到加拿大生,但迟迟不处理申请,于是打掉胎儿,说这些要让他们知道,他们拖延时间所带来的罪恶...

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?想着到加拿大生,去不了就打了,这种思想我认为谁都不会支持的。这种条件提上去,哎。。。。

生活和生存的区别在于,前一个心是活的,后一个只是心还存在 上联:不错不错,春未老,且将新火试新茶,诗酒趁年华。下联:罢了罢了,冬尤在,不过旧人念旧事,独饮度残日。横批:一醉方休想着到加拿大生,去不了就打了,这种思想我认为谁都不会支持的。这种条件提上去,哎。。。。点击展开...握手! 议员只会说:幸好切了你! 对加拿大主流社会来说, 他除了认为你是罪犯, 不会表示更多的同情!

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?绝对有可能,有些夫妇怀孕了,想着到加拿大生,但迟迟不处理申请,于是打掉胎儿,说这些要让他们知道,他们拖延时间所带来的罪恶...点击展开...我已经又忍不住要骂NC了!你自己的罪, 却要人背!

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?我想起了那个7个月引产的惨剧了

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?本质上, 这帮为了移民打掉孩子的人比镇坪计生委那帮恶人还要恶! 人家是要钱, 你们是直接要命!!

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?抗议信这种形式他们好像很不买单。。。。。

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?我已经又忍不住要骂NC了!你自己的罪, 却要人背!点击展开...唉,总算有明白人出现了。不知加拿大堕胎合法不,这要在美国某些州,是违法行为吧。。。

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?国内超生,好像很难落户口吧

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?应该是因为计生政策被迫的。第9个问题表述有误。自愿和被迫天壤之别。

FN:0705HK. 怎一个等字了得回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?想不堕也难。 留下来怎么上户口啊,怎么带出去啊,能好好生下来谁要堕胎

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?9. 堕掉一些孩子多少钱?这条还是去掉吧,就是我都看不下去了,何况加政府,cic。说什么也不要拿这个当借口。你希望加政府人道,你这样做觉得人道吗?

回复: 联明抗议信,请加国政府回答三个月的解决方案,赔偿计算?想不堕也难。 留下来怎么上户口啊,怎么带出去啊,能好好生下来谁要堕胎点击展开...您没有措施吗?就算真的是失误,那也是自己的行为,为什么要怪罪加拿大政府呢?这理由。。。

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