加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C


现任参议院常务委员会副主席(可能相当于国内的政协副主席),且是一位财政大臣,已向加国市民发出通信,下次竞选时,记清保守党。原因看信。 C-38 is a virulent attack on Canada Dear fellow citizen,Thank you for your message and your responsible position against the Harper government’s Bill C38. Unfortunately, Bill C-38 just passed. As the Deputy Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce and member of the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, I’ve looked through the bill’s 425 pages. I’ve heard from dozens of witnesses: government ministers, NGO`s, consumer rights groups, think tanks, professors, etc After hours of committee hearings we were both left with more questions than answers. Above all I’ve seen firsthand how the Conservative government has abused its majority by ramming its bill down the throats of parliamentarians. 425 pages, 753 articles, 70 amended acts, major changes to Canadians’ lives, all disposed of in four weeks. What a shame! The Conservative’s decided to reserve the same treatment for the provinces. They chose not to consult them and to encroach on their jurisdiction. For example, Bill C-38 adds an enacting clause that will give the federal government more powers in the banking sector and eliminate provincial laws relating to consumer protection I believe that Bill C-38 is a virulent attack on provincial jurisdiction. Consider employment insurance. For all intents and purposes, the government is introducing subjective rules about suitable employment and what workers will be required to do. Of course, this will not typically affect workers earning $100,000 or more per year C-38 will wreak havoc on provincial budgets, through measures that will shift costs onto provincial social programs, such as changes the to Employment Insurance and Old Age Security benefits, and measures that will reduce provincial tax revenues, such as the increase in cross border duty-free shopping limits The conservatives’ abusive majority has made it clear to Canadians that their reformist agenda has no place for social justiceFor example, they decided to remove the obligation for federal contractors to respect the Employment Equity Act. By removing employment equity from the Federal Contractors Program`s requirements, the Harper government is abandoning women, Aboriginals, disabled persons and visible minorities and destroying decades of social progress. This budget implementation bill is also an attack on human rights. I do not need to tell you that the representatives of the Public Service Alliance of Canada are opposed to removing the requirement for federal contractors to comply with the Employment Equity Act. The reason is simple: there are groups that have trouble finding jobs and whose unemployment rate is higher. We need to implement measures and, most of all, we need to set an example. We set an example by requiring a company with over 100 employees that wins a contract worth $200,000 or more to have an employment equity plan in place to ensure equal rights for Aboriginal people, visible minorities, persons with disabilities and women. There is no reason to repeal that provision. We are being assured that this will be done contractually. To me, it is not a matter of deciding whether to grant these people that right or not or whether to grant them the same rights as other workers. I think that it is important that everyone be treated equally and that, when there is an inequality in the system, it is up to the government to correct it. That is why governments exist. You have surely already noticed that the Conservative government has no time for dissenting opinions. Case in point, Bill C-38 will allow the Minister of National Revenue to withhold emitting tax receipts of charities deemed to be spending too much on political advocacy and suspend their charitable status if they make errors on their reports to the Canada Revenue Agency. More importantly, the passing of Bill C-38 will allow the Conservatives to use legislation to bully their opponents, reduce their numbers and weaken the quality of democratic debate The environment fares no better. Reviews by the National Energy Board (NEB) must be finished within two years; Conservatives can ignore NEB decisions to authorize projects; assessments are no longer required for projects involving federal money; the definition of “environmental effects” is now limited to the impact of projects on fish, certain aquatic species and migratory birds only; the present one-year limit to permits for disposing waste at sea can now be renewed four times; the Species at Risk Act is amended to exempt the NEB from having to impose conditions to protect critical habitat; the Coasting Trade Act is amended to promote seismic testing, which will allow for increased off-shore drilling; the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act is repealed, which required Canada to meet the targets under the treaty and report its GHG emissions to the United Nations; the Fisheries Act is amended to protect only fish of commercial, Aboriginal and recreational value; the construction of pipelines and power lines is no longer subject to the Navigable Waters Protection Act; Environment Canada is cutting several water-related programs; the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, which provided advice to the federal government, is abolished; and the list goes on ... C-38 is also damaging Canada’s reputation on the world stage. C-38也损害了加国世界级的荣誉。 The Liberals, in the minority, oppose Bill C-38. The Conservatives will be held accountable for the serious consequences Bill C-38 will have on Canadians. Remember us when the next election is held! In the meantime, I encourage you to share this message with your friends. Together we will stop the gutting of Canada by the Conservatives. Sincerely,The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, P.C.

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。暴怒啊!

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, P.C名字中的P.C是啥?

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。呵呵!当拥有绝对权力时,也是专制和独裁的!

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。大家愤怒的是保守党的做法。但对于移民政策部分的改革,绝大多数人是欢迎的,因为根本看不明白,看起来非常合理:根据加拿大自己的需要选择移民。

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。大家愤怒的是保守党的做法。但对于移民政策部分的改革,绝大多数人是欢迎的,因为根本看不明白,看起来非常合理:根据加拿大自己的需要选择移民。点击展开...肯泥移民改革的胜利,就是干多干少一个样,剩下全切。

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, P.C名字中的P.C是啥?点击展开...感觉相当于中顾委委员吧。Note: A senator who is a member of the Queen's Privy Council is addressed as "Senator the Honourable (full name), P.C." The Queen’s Privy Council for Canada consists of:Cabinet ministersFormer cabinet ministersThe Chief Justice of CanadaFormer chief justicesFormer speakers of the House of CommonsFormer speakers of the SenateFormer Governors GeneralDistinguished individuals (as a mark of honour)

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。肯泥移民改革的胜利,就是干多干少一个样,剩下全切。点击展开...实际就是不需要以前移民标准的技术移民,而需要新标准的移民。也就是旧移民法不适合现在的情况(根据已经来的移民的情况看),要调整,这和澳洲等国变动移民标准是一样的,所以没有审理的就切了,这肯定对你们不公平,但对国家是有好处的。如果你们早点办,就没事了。同情。

回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。这是个别人的不同见解,有何奇怪?什么叫联邦参议院,楼主你懂吗?你以为是你们一致举手通过的人大政协啊?

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard这是个别人的不同见解,有何奇怪?什么叫联邦参议院,楼主你懂吗?你以为是你们一致举手通过的人大政协啊?点击展开...既然是正常表达个人见解,那您就心平气和地听着呗。

回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。既然是正常表达个人见解,那您就心平气和地听着呗。点击展开...不知道是不是楼主故意的----一个参议员不能代表一个参议院。你应该修改题目的错误。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。把参议院改成参议员就对了。也许是拼音打字,弄错le

Chinada 说:感觉相当于中顾委委员吧。 Note: A senator who is a member of the Queen's Privy Council is addressed as "Senator the Honourable (full name), P.C." The Queen’s Privy Council for Canada consists of:Cabinet ministersFormer cabinet ministersThe Chief Justice of CanadaFormer chief justicesFormer speakers of the House of CommonsFormer speakers of the SenateFormer Governors GeneralDistinguished individuals (as a mark of honour)点击展开...主席,开始就介绍身份了,可能相当于政协主席或中顾委常务委员会主席。 [FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]P.C[FONT=宋体]工作的人,全是国家领导,不是一般人物,同时包括前任和现任。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]内阁部长们,国家的首席法官,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]众议院发言人,参议院发言人,总督,重要人物(带[/FONT]honour[FONT=宋体]标志的)[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]作为国家领导讲话,有根据才讲,可以说对整个事件的影响非同一般。若肯泥说,暂停“一刀切”,大家也不会说是肯泥个人意见,他说的话,代表部长,而非私人之事发言。[/FONT]

B-a-King 说:不知道是不是楼主故意的----一个参议员不能代表一个参议院。你应该修改题目的错误。点击展开...谢谢,应该指正。不是一般参议员讲话,职务不低于肯泥。改为‘职位高于与肯泥的国家领导’,不知妥否?太难了,如何译请帮个忙? 现任参议院常务委员会主席号召加国市民,下届记清保守党。较好些。大家有合适的称呼此国家领导,请给出。让人明白是个什么大官说的。 所有P.C.国家领导的发言,都不会随便乱讲,有依据才讲。

另一位重要人物,参议员投反对票,6月26日对联名信的回复。见附件,因直接关系91同学的部分。。她担任现任Alberta参议员,不简单,Alberta是总理Harper和肯泥两人直接管辖省。其他参议员反对票,点击下文的蓝色here 。 Hello, and thank you for your email about the omnibus budget bill. I just wanted to let you know that I voted against C-38, as a matter of principle, last Thursday night. A copy of my speech is attached for information. Sadly, the vote did not succeed in stopping the bill as the Conservatives overwhelmingly supported it. You can see the results of the standing vote (as well as other speeches against the bill) by clicking here and scrolling to the section titled Jobs, Growth and Prosperity Bill. Although you and I have not succeeded in persuading the government to follow a different course of action in this instance, I feel it is important we continue to speak out about issues of importance to Canada. I know I will. I hope you do too Warm regards, Elaine Alberta Senator

回复: 致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C-38通过的故事。实际就是不需要以前移民标准的技术移民,而需要新标准的移民。也就是旧移民法不适合现在的情况(根据已经来的移民的情况看),要调整,这和澳洲等国变动移民标准是一样的,所以没有审理的就切了,这肯定对你们不公平,但对国家是有好处的。如果你们早点办,就没事了。同情。点击展开...同情你妹啊?问候你世代

91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。楼主,你不懂加拿大。参议院是立法机构之一,参议员是由加拿大(执政的党)总理选定的,也就是保守党哈珀挑选的。没有什么职务高过低过行政机构官员。两个互不隶属的机构。你还是呆在中国吧,习惯了李刚式幼稚园国民意识。再给你普及一点加拿大,再大的官位,说什么话也没用。通过的法律才是最大。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。移民顾问兴风作浪,赚了前面的赚后面。C38 威力大,寄生虫职业,不死一部分都不行。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard主席,开始就介绍身份了,可能相当于政协主席或中顾委常务委员会主席。点击展开...不是这样的。参议院有大概20个常务委员会,分别关注不同领域的事务。每个参议员都会参加几个委员会。她是其中一个委员会的副主席。(the Deputy Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce)B-a-king说的也不全对。参议员是总理挑选,但不代表是哈伯挑的。每个总理在任期间,如果参议院出现空缺,才可以指定参议员。参议员是终身制的。这几点跟联邦大法官的机制比较类似。

回复: C38致命中伤加拿大,参议院气愤地向民众讲述C38故事,竞选时记清保守党。股市房市有风险,移民代理也一样。

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