加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有



回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?peq项目是什么? -------------------------------------------伊莲的蜗居经典Michel Thomas法语口语教材MP3(1.4G)完整版经典1120问题集完整MP3版(含部分魁省发音)http://helene-world.taobao.com 伊莲の书房频道QQ:1369972668

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?羡慕LZ

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?同问,顶下!!!

PEQ是专门针对在魁北克地区毕业的学生的,不是法语学校的也可以,英语学校的只需要提供法语B1以上证明就行。最重要的是学校必须在魁北克。PEQ在满足条件的情况下,拿CSQ非常的快,1个月左右就可以拿到。 申请条件是:At the time of submitting your application, you must:be at least 18 years old and intend to settle in Québec to hold a job;have conformed to the conditions on your stay as a foreign student;hold a Québec diploma eligible for the PEQ or expect to complete your study program within six months of the date on which you submit your application;have an intermediate level knowledge of oral French;undertake to provide for your needs and, where applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application, for a minimum period of three months from the date you obtain your permanent resident status.适用的魁北克学历: Québec diplomas eligible for the PEQ are: a Diplme d’études professionnelles (DEP Diploma of Vocational Studies) involving 1,800 hours or more of study;a DEP followed by an ASP totaling a minimum of 1,800 hours;a Diplme d’études collégiales techniques (DEC Diploma of College Studies, technical training);a Bachelor’s degree, university undergraduate;a Master’s degree, MBA;a doctorate.如果不是学生的话,需要在魁省持有work permit工作一年以上才可以。官方链接:http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/stay-quebec/application-csq/students-peq/index.html

替友宣传 专业占卜详情咨询微信:zhanbu9564回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?路过的,看一下

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?不了解

心有多大,世界就有多大!回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?请问是不是魁省法语大学毕业的就可以不用提供法语中级口语水平证明了?

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?请问是不是魁省法语大学毕业的就可以不用提供法语中级口语水平证明了?点击展开...看官方链接SVP。。。里面有写。。。

替友宣传 专业占卜详情咨询微信:zhanbu9564回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?谢谢,不知道这里有没有前辈是走PEQ的,因为PEQ自己法语不是很好,按官网说的,好像失败了走一般技术移民没有影响,还请过来人明示啊! If you do not fulfill the requirements of the PEQ or if the documents provided are judged insufficient, your application will be refused and you will receive a letter inviting you to submit a new application under the regular selection program for skilled workers.You can make this new application without paying additional fees as long as it does not include any new person and it is received within 90 days after the date of the letter of invitation

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?PEQ是专门针对在魁北克地区毕业的学生的,不是法语学校的也可以,英语学校的只需要提供法语B1以上证明就行。最重要的是学校必须在魁北克。PEQ在满足条件的情况下,拿CSQ非常的快,1个月左右就可以拿到。 申请条件是:At the time of submitting your application, you must:be at least 18 years old and intend to settle in Québec to hold a job;have conformed to the conditions on your stay as a foreign student;hold a Québec diploma eligible for the PEQ or expect to complete your study program within six months of the date on which you submit your application;have an intermediate level knowledge of oral French;undertake to provide for your needs and, where applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application, for a minimum period of three months from the date you obtain your permanent resident status.适用的魁北克学历: Québec diplomas eligible for the PEQ are: a Diplme d’études professionnelles (DEP Diploma of Vocational Studies) involving 1,800 hours or more of study;a DEP followed by an ASP totaling a minimum of 1,800 hours;a Diplme d’études collégiales techniques (DEC Diploma of College Studies, technical training);a Bachelor’s degree, university undergraduate;a Master’s degree, MBA;a doctorate.如果不是学生的话,需要在魁省持有work permit工作一年以上才可以。官方链接:http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/stay-quebec/application-csq/students-peq/index.html点击展开...你好,我刚看到这个PEQ,好像国内知道这个人的不多啊,请问读一年的研究生文凭也是符合条件的吧?谢谢,另外最近2年因为这个政策,过去留学的人是不是多了不少呢?政策又没变动趋势呢

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?本人法语学校硕士。。。听说peq项目移民是专门针对法语学校的学生,如果申请失败还可以重新正常申请技术移民。。。请问有没有人按peq移民的?点击展开...你法语学校毕业,要直接申请PEQ,一个月拿到CSQ,免面试.祝你成功!

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?你好,我刚看到这个PEQ,好像国内知道这个人的不多啊,请问读一年的研究生文凭也是符合条件的吧?谢谢,另外最近2年因为这个政策,过去留学的人是不是多了不少呢?政策又没变动趋势呢点击展开...读一年的研究生文凭不满足1800小时,不能申请PEQ.

回复: 魁省新政策PEQ移民。。。有谁有经验或者看法?谢谢,不知道这里有没有前辈是走PEQ的,因为PEQ自己法语不是很好,按官网说的,好像失败了走一般技术移民没有影响,还请过来人明示啊!点击展开...是的,申请PEQ失败了,再走一般技术移民没有影响.

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