加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。
07年11月FN。Email如下:Canadian Embassy Immigration Section 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District Beijing, People's Republic of China 100600 Internet: www.beijing.gc.ca Ambassade du Canada Bureau de l'immigration Fax: (86-10) 5139-4449 File number: XXXXXXXXXXXDear XXXTo continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for principal applicant XXX - Family Comp + Education/Employment (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/IRPA_E_TRV_Kit_Fam_Comp_Form.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 3 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_3e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) - Updated notarized PRC police certificate Please submit for dependant XXX- Family Comp + Education/Employment (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/IRPA_E_TRV_Kit_Fam_Comp_Form.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide regular photocopy - Updated notarized PRC police certificate - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/ECU_327_GEN_Resume_EN.PDF Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representativeIf your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature 早就对移民不报希望了,所以这个邮箱好久没查,上周突然心血来潮查了下,结果发现11月21日来的这封Email,还好还有时间准备。但是不知道为什么又让补料哇?我老公的护照是过期了,但是其它补料又是为什么呢?该不是想让我们挂了,这样就不用退费了。
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。要切你早就让你等退费了,不会再让你补料了。估计是要发ME了
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。这是安全背调,楼主敏感职业?07年11月FN。Email如下:Canadian Embassy Immigration Section 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District Beijing, People's Republic of China 100600 Internet: www.beijing.gc.ca Ambassade du Canada Bureau de l'immigration Fax: (86-10) 5139-4449 File number: XXXXXXXXXXXDear XXXTo continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for principal applicant XXX - Family Comp + Education/Employment (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/IRPA_E_TRV_Kit_Fam_Comp_Form.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 3 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_3e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) - Updated notarized PRC police certificate Please submit for dependant XXX- Family Comp + Education/Employment (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/IRPA_E_TRV_Kit_Fam_Comp_Form.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide regular photocopy - Updated notarized PRC police certificate - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/assets/pdfs/immigration/beijing/documents/ECU_327_GEN_Resume_EN.PDF Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representativeIf your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature 早就对移民不报希望了,所以这个邮箱好久没查,上周突然心血来潮查了下,结果发现11月21日来的这封Email,还好还有时间准备。但是不知道为什么又让补料哇?我老公的护照是过期了,但是其它补料又是为什么呢?该不是想让我们挂了,这样就不用退费了。点击展开...
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。这是安全背调,楼主敏感职业?点击展开...仔细看了一下,问题应该出在副申上面。或因出国经历。不过放心,只是走程序,不会切你。
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。都说了是要continue processing your application。应无问题。赶紧准备吧。
2013.05.20 - TORONTO回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。哪里说背调了,这就是常规补料,更新表格,很正常,补完就该差不多ME了。信里那些旧版表格的链接早就失效了,上官网下新的吧。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp更正一下:1.第一个链接的家庭成员表和最后一个链接的简历,信里的链接是可以下载的2.信中所指的IMM0008_1E现已经更新为IMM5669,IMM0008EGEN更新为IMM0008ENU_2D,IMM0008_3E内容未变新表名为IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3,按上面的官网链接可以找到这三个文档。
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。按照我们群里其他成员的经验,你这不是坏消息,再说了,你这一次补得基本都不浪费,下一次VO找你的时候就只剩下体检和交登录费了,祝顺利!
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。仔细看了一下,问题应该出在副申上面。或因出国经历。不过放心,只是走程序,不会切你。点击展开...我们都是从事很普通的职业。希望只是走个程序吧。谢谢。
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。按照我们群里其他成员的经验,你这不是坏消息,再说了,你这一次补得基本都不浪费,下一次VO找你的时候就只剩下体检和交登录费了,祝顺利!点击展开...谢谢,我也盼望着好消息,尽管现在能不能出去已经对我们来说无关紧要啦。孩子今年9月刚刚择校进了一家还算不错的小学,如果真能出去,也还要好好盘算一下的。
回复: 没给ME,但让补料,怎么回事?大家给分析下。谢谢啦。哪里说背调了,这就是常规补料,更新表格,很正常,补完就该差不多ME了。信里那些旧版表格的链接早就失效了,上官网下新的吧。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp更正一下:1.第一个链接的家庭成员表和最后一个链接的简历,信里的链接是可以下载的2.信中所指的IMM0008_1E现已经更新为IMM5669,IMM0008EGEN更新为IMM0008ENU_2D,IMM0008_3E内容未变新表名为IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3,按上面的官网链接可以找到这三个文档。点击展开...
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