加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民刚查了下孩子的dependant type, 应该是A


在大使馆网页上找到了Family Member的定义,对common-law partner还是没有很清楚的概念,可以理解为“同居关系”吗?呵呵。Definition of family memberFamily members include your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children.Common-law partnerThis is a person of the opposite sex or same sex as you who was living in a conjugal relationship with you, and had done so for a period of at least one year before you became separated due to reasons beyond your control. There must be a significant degree of commitment between the two of you such as sharing the same home, supporting each other financially and emotionally, having had children together or presenting yourselves in public as a couple. You may need to provide proof that such a relationship exists.Your common-law partner may still qualify even if you were unable to live together or appear in public together because of legal or cultural restrictions in your home country.Dependent childrenDependent children include:Your dependent childrenThe dependent children of your spouse or common-law partnerThe dependent children of your dependent childrenA child must meet the requirements of type A, B or C below to be considered a dependent child:Type AHe or she was under the age of 22 and single, that is, not married and not in a common-law relationship when you first submitted your application for permanent residence.Type BHe or she married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age of 22 and, since becoming a spouse or a common-law partner, hasbeen continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority; anddepended substantially on the financial support of a parent.orHe or she is 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, hasbeen continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority; anddepended substantially on the financial support of a parent.Type CHe or she is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to provide for himself or herself due to a medical condition.

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