加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民草就一封联名信,请myboy参考
The Honorable Minister Kenney MP: On behalf of the Federal Skill Worker Immigration Programme applicants in the list below, the writer sends this letter to make a request for quick decision process. We are a group of applicants belong to the Beijing Visa Office, most of whom took the medical examination in February and March 2012. But we have not received any decision even it’s been almost one year and our ME results will expire in a few days. At the end of the last year, we got promise from the Beijing Office that our cases will be finalized "at the very beginning of 2013", however, nothing has happened so far. The majority of us sent our applications in 2010 under the 227 law. As you can see, we have waited in the queue for over 30 months which is far longer than what you promised at the beginning of faster immigration process, or what you estimated on your CIC website (29 months). It gives us the impression that Canada is a country lack of efficiency and humanity,because it not only has influenced our life plans but also shocked our confidence and identity to Canada. Isn’t it! Furthermore, the long existence of arrogance and low efficiency of Beijing Office should not be neglected. Some analysts have pointed out that the cases passed in Beijing 2012 were far less than the quota (1750 individuals) and some other applicants even haven't received the medical examination letters. It seriously harmed the credit and authority of Canadian government and the recent C-50 act. We highly doubt if the promise of the Beijing Office made above will be fulfilled without your supervision. As a promising politician with high reputation, your help will adjust the current bugs and fasten our ties with the new world. At the end of this letter, we propose another option----If no decisions will have been made when the ME results of some applicants expire in the next 2 months, a lawsuit will be made on your department and the Beijing Visa Office. This letter will also be sent to all the parliament members and the mass medias of Canada at the end of the next week. We eagerly expect your response and the real activity of the Beijing Office. Best regards!
回复: 草就一文,请myboy参考谢谢啊,写的很好,不知可否陈述我们现在的处境,比如卖房,辞职,订机票之类的,在不引起反感的前提下,争取点人道分,顺便请教下,我们真的可以找律师告使馆么?我报名!
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考可否加上:绝大部分的申请人都是在对加拿大充满期望,对加拿大政府和移民局充满信任的情况下递交了移民申请。而且在递交申请之后,对整个家庭未来在加拿大的发展做出了慎重的考虑和计划。 同时,作为一个对社会和公司负责任的成员,也不得不放弃了很多在中国发展的机会。可是现在,远远超出预期(29个月)的拖延,严重的影响了申请人的计划和生活安排,对他们的家庭在经济上和精神上带来很严重的影响。这种长时间的拖延和对申请人家庭的伤害会严重影响加拿大政府和移民局的形象。 同时,也很不利于未来吸引高质量人才移民到加拿大。 因为,没有人会信任一个办事拖拉、不考虑申请人利益的政府和移民局。 这将导致将来整个移民计划的失败。
2013.07.05 new start回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考写得非常好
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考我认为,如果是给康尼或者vo的信,不要写太长。如果是最后要发给媒体的公开信,那就要增加内容,尽可能煽情。现在先写申诉,如果至下周仍无变化,再进入媒体攻势。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考我认为,如果是给康尼或者vo的信,不要写太长。如果是最后要发给媒体的公开信,那就要增加内容,尽可能煽情。现在先写申诉,如果至下周仍无变化,再进入媒体攻势。点击展开...严重同意,现在赶快把信发出去才是王道。。。。
翻开人生新的一页......回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考大家再斟酌一下,明天再发比较好。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考还是on hold 吧,同意楼上的
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考看标题时在“草”字后面不自觉地加上了一个感叹号……罪过罪过
[FONT=微软雅黑]魁省技术新政没戏,[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]萨省雇主遇一刀切,联邦五四被删职业,澳洲雅思没拿下4*7,萨省二百五暂无进展。联邦51新政申请:2014.5.01寄出,5.05签收,6.03汇票解付,6.19PER,7.02RbHK,8.20ME,10.25MER。[/FONT]联邦技术2014新政群:119639702[FONT=微软雅黑]我要出国(加/澳/新)群:148334084加拿大NS省LMD群:186789670QQ / 微信:105414343新浪微博:@业余格斗士[/FONT]回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考写得真好! 1. 有个小疑问:ME, 227 law,他们能看懂是什么意思吗,是否把全称写出,以便更好理解。 2. 另外,如果申请人有孩子,3年了,孩子都在长大,对他们来说,都不知道该怎么准备了,从高一等到高三;从初一、初二等到高一,这对孩子的成长非常不利。建议加上这些内容。 3.如果是联名信,一定要有委托书的,才能代表大家的心愿。 一点小建议,仅供参考。 大家加油!!!!
马上要体验加拿大东部的生活了回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考楼主写的很好,非常感谢,把我想表达的都写出来啦,有礼,有力,有节!但需要再斟酌几个字句,稍后,我发你短信哈。今天周二,如没有大面积DM,周四就得把这信发出去。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考kenny的邮箱地址是[email protected]么? 我先说一下啊,我周六给他发邮件了,发了两个地址,[email protected] 和[email protected], 都没有回复,不知是我邮件写得太烂还是怎么……
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考楼上的,我也写了,没回应
10年6月13: DHL寄出;10年6月17: DHL妥投悉尼;10年8月31:扣款;10年10月27:RN到;11年1月31:补料妥投;11年2月16 FN到;12.2.29 三句话ip,12.3.5 四句话ip,12年3月5日:ME到;12年4月24:MER;13年1月25DM;13年1月31日visa到。楼上的,我也写了,没回应点击展开...呵呵,同是天涯沦落人,一江春水向东流啊。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考写的好,比我英文好,不知道写了多长时间?
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考我觉得倒数第二段,有些威胁的意味。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考收到,非常好谢谢你
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考Myboy的信收到了,与楼主角度不同,她的更感性。我倾向用楼主的信,康尼是死猪不怕开水汤的主儿,得强硬些!
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考刚高兴了一下,再看收件箱,一封自动回复摊在那。
回复: 草就一封联名信,请myboy参考感谢Capello,觉得写的不错。不过感觉有些太强硬了,我自己不知道这种说法,他们的理念是否认同。我也贴一个我写的吧。The Honorable Minister Kenney MP: On behalf of the Federal Skill Worker Immigration Programme applicants in the list below, the writer sends this letter to make a request for quick decision process. We are a group of applicants belong to the Beijing Visa Office, most of whom took the medical examination in February and March 2012. But we have not received any decision even it’s been almost one year and our ME results will expire in a few days. At the end of the last year, we got promise from the Beijing Office that our cases will be finalized "at the very beginning of 2013", however, nothing has happened so far. The majority of us sent our applications in 2010 under the 227 law. As you can see, we have waited in the queue for over 30 months which is far longer than what you promised at the beginning of faster immigration process, or what you estimated on your CIC website (29 months). It gives us the impression that Canada is a country lack of efficiency and humanity,because it not only has influenced our life plans but also shocked our confidence and identity to Canada. Isn’t it! Furthermore, the long existence of arrogance and low efficiency of Beijing Office should not be neglected. Some analysts have pointed out that the cases passed in Beijing 2012 were far less than the quota (1750 individuals) and some other applicants even haven't received the medical examination letters. It seriously harmed the credit and authority of Canadian government and the recent C-50 act. We highly doubt if the promise of the Beijing Office made above will be fulfilled without your supervision. As a promising politician with high reputation, your help will adjust the current bugs and fasten our ties with the new world. At the end of this letter, we propose another option----If no decisions will have been made when the ME results of some applicants expire in the next 2 months, a lawsuit will be made on your department and the Beijing Visa Office. This letter will also be sent to all the parliament members and the mass medias of Canada at the end of the next week. We eagerly expect your response and the real activity of the Beijing Office. Best regards!点击展开...
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