加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?
小弟07年的fn,等了5年了。刚才隔壁的同学说打官司的事儿要年底才有说法,还不知结果如何,反正2012不是人类的末日,就是91的末日。感觉cic还是要“拖”字当头,能不审就不审,能晚开庭晚开庭。因为判决的结果无论cic是输是赢都不好办。他们输了,光审起诉同学的案子,就会有大批起诉跟进,30万案子全审他们又不甘心;如果他们赢了,他们不会不考虑一下把30万人推到悬崖边会有什么样的后果。 估计他们能从赖昌星老师的案子里得到启示,千方百计阻止或拖延开庭及宣判,今天一个部门质询,明天一个程序违规,后天一个诉讼时效,就他们那儿的效率一来二去几年就下去了,磨的你没脾气还挑不出他们什么错。 更阴险的可能还在后面-各个击破。今天给张三来个劝退,明天给李四来个拒案,但后天就给王二麻子来个地址变更,分散91的力量,瓦解91的斗志。 反正偶想开了,现在该干嘛干嘛,拼命挣钱,大不了不移民了,偶有钱旅游总可以吧。就去加拿大旅游,整一打鸡蛋全砸康胖身上。
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?打官司
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?我也不知道怎样去安慰你还有我自己,我想总会有结果的!
2006年11月签收2006年12月5日划款2007年4月27日FN(HK) 档案号:B050734*** (VO:WCY) 2009年3月雅思,有亲属加分回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?如果加拿大真的如您说的那样行事,不去也罢。在没看到真相之前,依然希望着padanca的数据和计算。
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?楼主最后一句是亮点!严重支持!
2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM 小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?就去加拿大旅游,整一打鸡蛋全砸康胖身上。
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?如果加拿大真的如您说的那样行事,不去也罢。
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?越是这样越要去,就图那里的好山好水,和他们抢资源
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?全家就去加拿大旅游,完了去加拿大的梦,然后回来该干嘛就干嘛,到时由下一代完成我们的使命吧
靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?老9.1,现在多伦多。说句实话,想来的,赶紧退了,走其它途径,看看我发的贴,会有新发现,条条大路通罗马!
移民是一种选择! ,是的,来了近十年了,看着加拿大一步步变坏,来错国家了吗?小弟07年的fn,等了5年了。刚才隔壁的同学说打官司的事儿要年底才有说法,还不知结果如何,反正2012不是人类的末日,就是91的末日。感觉cic还是要“拖”字当头,能不审就不审,能晚开庭晚开庭。因为判决的结果无论cic是输是赢都不好办。他们输了,光审起诉同学的案子,就会有大批起诉跟进,30万案子全审他们又不甘心;如果他们赢了,他们不会不考虑一下把30万人推到悬崖边会有什么样的后果。估计他们能从赖昌星老师的案子里得到启示,千方百计阻止或拖延开庭及宣判,今天一个部门质询,明天一个程序违规,后天一个诉讼时效,就他们那儿的效率一来二去几年就下去了,磨的你没脾气还挑不出他们什么错。更阴险的可能还在后面-各个击破。今天给张三来个劝退,明天给李四来个拒案,但后天就给王二麻子来个地址变更,分散91的力量,瓦解91的斗志。反正偶想开了,现在该干嘛干嘛,拼命挣钱,大不了不移民了,偶有钱旅游总可以吧。就去加拿大旅游,整一打鸡蛋全砸康胖身上。点击展开...呵,这个强!
2007年2月8日HK签收;7月17日FN发出,VO:KTA;------------------------------------得之,我幸;不得,我命;如此而已!回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?最新回复 今年也貌似没戏We understand that you are disappointed by the long processing time for your application. As you know, there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. The changes allow the Government of Canada to set, through ministerial instructions, the number and type of applications considered for processing each year, and the order in which these applications will be processed. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years.This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Additional cases will be put into process as targets allow. However, as immigration levels for future years is not known, I regret that I am unable to provide an estimate of when your application will be put into process. When the application is put into process, we will contact you with instructions on what is required at that time.
2007.1 FN2012.12.05 ME2013.04.16 DM2013.04.19 大信封回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?上面这段话是康尼的?
2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM 小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.最新回复 今年也貌似没戏We understand that you are disappointed by the long processing time for your application. As you know, there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. The changes allow the Government of Canada to set, through ministerial instructions, the number and type of applications considered for processing each year, and the order in which these applications will be processed. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Additional cases will be put into process as targets allow. However, as immigration levels for future years is not known, I regret that I am unable to provide an estimate of when your application will be put into process. When the application is put into process, we will contact you with instructions on what is required at that time.点击展开...
visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?不是貌似,是根本没戏,不仅是2012,包括2013,九一都不会开始审理。we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) . Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years.
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?hitman, 赶紧搞定法语,否则出去真没戏了;我是基本放弃了幻想。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]不是貌似,是根本没戏,不仅是2012,包括2013,九一都不会开始审理。we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) . Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years.点击展开...这谁何时何地何种情况下说的?形势真的不容乐观呵,九一的同学。。。
2007年2月8日HK签收;7月17日FN发出,VO:KTA;------------------------------------得之,我幸;不得,我命;如此而已!回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?难道配额下来了?以前不是回复in queue of pre-review吗
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?学法语 ,考英语转澳洲475,
回复: 如果91的彻底没戏,怎么办?最新回复 今年也貌似没戏We understand that you are disappointed by the long processing time for your application. As you know, there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. The changes allow the Government of Canada to set, through ministerial instructions, the number and type of applications considered for processing each year, and the order in which these applications will be processed. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Additional cases will be put into process as targets allow. However, as immigration levels for future years is not known, I regret that I am unable to provide an estimate of when your application will be put into process. When the application is put into process, we will contact you with instructions on what is required at that time.点击展开...请问这个是香港还是北京使馆的?
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