加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民准备短登,关于存款证明请教
准备四月初短登,请问何时开存款证明比较合适?存期多久呢?RMB的存款证明可以吗?一家3口人,应该开多少存款证明在入境时才不会被为难(貌似被要求出示存款证明的几率不高,但是就怕万一嘛)? 谢谢
71末班车~NOC7242; HK; 2012-03-19 DHL递料; 03-23妥投; 03-29汇票解付; 04-05 PER; 05-10 FN; 06-07 ME; 07-15宝宝出生; 08-07新生宝宝补料; 08-17 宝宝ME; 08-27全家体检; 09-04体检材料到达加拿大驻北京大使馆; 09-10PL; 09-14护照在HK领事馆签收; 09-17双地址; 09-20DM; 10-03大信封到达。毕业啦~冲啊~回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教一家三囗,中介让存一万刀,存了一万五。过关温哥华被问了,告诉他数字后没要我拿存款证明。备着总是不会错的。
我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教一家三囗,中介让存一万刀,存了一万五。过关温哥华被问了,告诉他数字后没要我拿存款证明。备着总是不会错的。顺带说,我也是7242。
我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教2011年时的要求一家三口是15700刀,现在的不清楚。
Having a place to go is HomeHaving someone to love is FamilyHaving both is A Blessing回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教忘了说,人民币不行。这个存款证明的目的,是证明你的在加拿大生活的经济能力,所以只能是加币存款。
我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教存款证明一般是冻结存款的,这钱还能用么……入境一般不管这个,其实可以理直气壮地告诉他,已经证明给CIC看过了,现在不能冻结,要拿出来用的,呵呵……无责任吐槽。
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教存款证明一般是冻结存款的,这钱还能用么……入境一般不管这个,其实可以理直气壮地告诉他,已经证明给CIC看过了,现在不能冻结,要拿出来用的,呵呵……无责任吐槽。点击展开...支持 不惯毛病
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教这是CIC官网的入境指南http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border.asp根本就没有提存款证明的事儿,只要带好护照、移民纸、B4就行了。其中涉及资金项,是Disclosure of funds,这部分是说,超过10000刀需要申报。而常说的入境时的“移民官”,其实是CBSA,他们是边境局,关心的也就是这个超额申报,而非settlement fund!
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教这是CIC官网的入境指南http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border.asp 根本就没有提存款证明的事儿,只要带好护照、移民纸、B4就行了。 其中涉及资金项,是Disclosure of funds,这部分是说,超过10000刀需要申报。而常说的入境时的“移民官”,其实是CBSA,他们是边境局,关心的也就是这个超额申报,而非settlement fund!点击展开...那就是说,其实入境不一定要带存款证明,只要申报超过1万加币的现金就可以了,对吧?谢谢ASURA的信息。
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教Prepare financially before you leaveDetermine how much it costs to live where you are planning to settle in Canada. The cost of living will vary depending on where you decide to settle but some costs will be typical for items and services across Canada.Check with your banker, lawyer or financial adviser to find out if your home country has a limit on how much money can be removed. Find out more about bringing money with you to Canada and items you can import duty-free and tax-free on the Canada Border Services Agency website.If you will be immigrating to Canada as a skilled worker, investor, entrepreneur or as a self-employed person, you will have to provide proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration.
NOC2151,BJ,2011-0606二申妥投,0617BD扣款,0716地址栏消失,0803PER,0811ERC,0813地址消失,0823恢复,0829地址消失并RBVO,0916E-ME,0920IP,0923地址回归,1014体检,1018护照妥投,1103地址消失并MER,1111地址回归,1209-10地址失而复得,2012-0128地址消失,0223出签,0228DM,0303地址回归,0308毕业!20120705登温,0824PRcardPrepare financially before you leaveDetermine how much it costs to live where you are planning to settle in Canada. The cost of living will vary depending on where you decide to settle but some costs will be typical for items and services across Canada.Check with your banker, lawyer or financial adviser to find out if your home country has a limit on how much money can be removed. Find out more about bringing money with you to Canada and items you can import duty-free and tax-free on the Canada Border Services Agency website.If you will be immigrating to Canada as a skilled worker, investor, entrepreneur or as a self-employed person, you will have to provide proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration.点击展开...
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教这是CIC官网的入境指南http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border.asp根本就没有提存款证明的事儿,只要带好护照、移民纸、B4就行了。其中涉及资金项,是Disclosure of funds,这部分是说,超过10000刀需要申报。而常说的入境时的“移民官”,其实是CBSA,他们是边境局,关心的也就是这个超额申报,而非settlement fund!点击展开...这才是正解
Prepare financially before you leaveDetermine how much it costs to live where you are planning to settle in Canada. The cost of living will vary depending on where you decide to settle but some costs will be typical for items and services across Canada.Check with your banker, lawyer or financial adviser to find out if your home country has a limit on how much money can be removed. Find out more about bringing money with you to Canada and items you can import duty-free and tax-free on the Canada Border Services Agency website.If you will be immigrating to Canada as a skilled worker, investor, entrepreneur or as a self-employed person, you will have to provide proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration.点击展开...最后一句说的很清楚。申请时其实已经提供过了。入境时就是一般性问。
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教谢谢大家的解答,因为是短登,所以不想那么早就换那么多加币
71末班车~NOC7242; HK; 2012-03-19 DHL递料; 03-23妥投; 03-29汇票解付; 04-05 PER; 05-10 FN; 06-07 ME; 07-15宝宝出生; 08-07新生宝宝补料; 08-17 宝宝ME; 08-27全家体检; 09-04体检材料到达加拿大驻北京大使馆; 09-10PL; 09-14护照在HK领事馆签收; 09-17双地址; 09-20DM; 10-03大信封到达。毕业啦~冲啊~一家三囗,中介让存一万刀,存了一万五。过关温哥华被问了,告诉他数字后没要我拿存款证明。备着总是不会错的。顺带说,我也是7242。点击展开...哇,前辈呀7242好找工作吗?你在哪个城市?
71末班车~NOC7242; HK; 2012-03-19 DHL递料; 03-23妥投; 03-29汇票解付; 04-05 PER; 05-10 FN; 06-07 ME; 07-15宝宝出生; 08-07新生宝宝补料; 08-17 宝宝ME; 08-27全家体检; 09-04体检材料到达加拿大驻北京大使馆; 09-10PL; 09-14护照在HK领事馆签收; 09-17双地址; 09-20DM; 10-03大信封到达。毕业啦~冲啊~回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教MARK
回复: 准备短登,关于存款证明请教哇,前辈呀7242好找工作吗?你在哪个城市?点击展开...我不用这个职业找工作,所以不了解是否好找。前年帮另一个朋友了解相关信息,在省政府的网站找到2009AB省电气工程师和电工的收入情况的两个统计,电工的平均时薪是25~45,电气工程师的平均时薪是25~68,大概是这样。在AB省,电气工程师是需要制造才能做的,而电工则不是非要执照。但是有执照的电工会相对受欢迎一些。
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