加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民体验过CIIP培训的移友,请分享信息和切身感受
The working staff sent message about the incoming CIIP session schedule in March in Beijing and Shanghai. Thanks to the inappropriate timeframe, I won't attend the face-to-face meeting. How helpful is this training? Kindly please share the relevant information if any of you had experienced the session. Thanks and Happy 2013!
回复: 体验过CIIP培训的移友,请分享信息和切身感受what is CIIP?
回复: 体验过CIIP培训的移友,请分享信息和切身感受同问哈~!
2007.8.20 FN;2009.8.7变5,通知补料;2009.9.5 北语雅思;2009.9.6 考口语;9.17 成绩 L6 R6 W5.5 S5.5;2009.9.19 收到成绩单;2012.12.20 ME;2013.5.10 DM;2013.5.28 大信封;2013.6.10-6.18短登温村和卡城!2016.8.8,长登温村!目前做地产经纪,大家在温哥华找房子,租房子,买卖房子,买卖楼花请找我哈!自家的民宿旅馆:舒适单间,大床房,共用/独立卫生间,大厨房,可以整租,分租$40起—$100/天!请加微信:kettyy2000what is CIIP?点击展开...[FONT=宋体]关于CIIP介绍,请看网[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]站:[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']www.newcomersuccess.ca[/FONT]
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