加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊楼主,能否咨询一些问题?我的QQ号:528038846.
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊好多人都不来了,就连老熊也根据我给的信息去了丹麦。我觉得大家不必一棵树栓死在91或者联邦上,可以考虑别的办法,比如PNP或者澳洲、西欧北欧什么的。天无绝人之路,只要想办法,总能出去的。点击展开...诚邀楼主来我们群247669663 (Tim组信息交流群),给大家指点迷津,开拓思路。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊再次谈到老熊移民丹麦,我也上网找了下移民丹麦的方法,感觉在国内取得研究生学历的同学还是很有希望的。虽然是英文版的,但希望对感兴趣的同学有所帮助。目前其需要的分数是100分,单单教育一项最高就能拿105分。 Introduction The Danish Green Card scheme allows you to live and work in Denmark if you can score enough points based upon criteria such as age, language skills, work experience, and education. If you score at least 100 points, you can obtain a residence permit valid for up to18 months. In addition, you will be able to bring your immediate family along.As well as scoring 100 points, you must have a valid health insurance policy and be able to provide proof that you can support yourself and your family while you look for work in Denmark.The Danish Green Card Points Based System Under the Danish Green Card scheme, points are score under five areas: Education, Language Skills, Work Experience, Adaptability, and Age. It is also possible to score a number of bonus points for various factors described below.Education To score points for Education, you must have the Danish equivalent of a bachelors degree. Your academic credentials must be assessed by CIRIUS, a body under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.In addition to points scored for your degree, bonus points can be awarded under Education for obtaining a degree from a top school or by having an education which qualifies you for work in an occupation on the Positive List.With the addition of bonus points, the maximum number of points that can be scored for Education is 105. It is possible for you to score enough points for a work and residence permit based solely upon points earned for Education.Education levelPointsBachelors degree30Bachelors degree + 1 year Masters degree50Masters degree60PhD80Bonus points can also be earned under Education:School RankingBonus PointsTop 4005Top 20010Top 10015Education related to occupation on the Positive ListBonus PointsYes10Please take note that Denmark has special requirements for degrees earned from Pakistani and Indian universities. Language Skills You can earn a maximum of 30 points for language skills which includes knowledge of Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German. Points can be earned for both one Scandinavian language (Danish, Swedish, or Norwegian) and either English or German, but not for both English and German or two or more Scandinavian languages.You will be required to show that you have passed an exam equivalent to at least a Danish Language Test, Level 1. Alternatively, you can prove language proficiency through a statement by your previous employer stating that you used Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German while performing your job for at least one year, or by proving that you have completed at least one year's study in higher education which was taught in one of these languages. In the case of these last two requirements, you will have shown a language proficiency equal to a Study Test in Danish as a Second Language.Language Proficiency LevelPointsLevel 15Level 210Level 315Study Test in Danish as a Second Language20Work Experience You can score a maximum of 15 points under Work Experience. Your points are earned based upon the number of years you have worked as a researcher, or in a field of work that is currently in shortage in Denmark (i.e., a job listed on the Positive List). If this does not apply to you, you can still earn points for experience any other single occupation.Work ExperiencePoints3-5 years experience as a researcher or in a field on the Positive List151-2 years experience as a researcher or in a field on the Positive List103-5 years experience in other work5Adaptability If you have studied or worked in the European Union/European Economic Area, you can claim a maximum of 15 points for adaptability. You can only claim points for either education experience or work experience -- not both.EU/EEA Education ExperiencePointsCompletion of at least one year of study in higher education in the EU/EEA or Switzerland5Completion of at least three years of study in higher education in the EU/EEA or Switzerland10 EU/EEA Work ExperiencePointsAt least one year of work and residence in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland5At least two years of work and residence in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland10Age You can also earn a maximum of 15 points for your age:AgePoints35-40 years1034 years or younger15Family Members If you are granted a residence permit under Denmark's Green Card Scheme, your spouse or partner is also eligible for a residence permit, as well as any children under the age of 18 who are living at home with you. Your spouse or partner is allowed to work full time for the entire period of the residence permit's validity.Financial Requirements You must be able to provide proof that you can support your stay in Denmark for the first year while you search for work. This can be done in the form of a recent bank statement in your name which clearly states in which currency it was issued and on what date. You must also show that you are able to support any dependants who will be staying with you in Denmark.The monthly rates required to meet the financial requiremnents before tax are (as of 2011):DKK 5,367 for persons under the age of 25 living aloneDKK 6,472 for persons 25 years of age and older living aloneDKK 5,367 per person for spouses or cohabiting partnersAddional monthly rates (called "caregiver supplements") apply if you have children under 18 living in the household. A household can receive a maximum of two caregiver supplements. The monthly caregiver supplement is (as of 2011):DKK 1,342 per child for married or cohabiting parentsDKK 1,619 per child for single parentsFor example, if you plan to immigrate by yourself to Denmark and you are over the age of 25, you must have DKK 6,472 X 12 months = DKK 77,664 available to fund your first year in Denmark. If you are coming as a single parent of three children and you are over the age of 25, you must have (DKK 6,472 X 12) + (1,619 X 2 X 12) = DKK 116,520 available to fund your first year in Denmark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 职业清单: Occupations whose requirements are marked with an asterisk require Danish authorization.Academic work OccupationRequirementAccountantMaster's degreeAssistant professor, social sciencesDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelAssociate professor, natural science and technologyMaster's degreeAssociate professor, social sciencesMaster's degreeBuilding engineerMaster's degreeBusiness controllerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelChemistMaster's degreeConstruction engineerMaster's degreeConsulting physicianMaster's degree*DentistMaster's degree*Electric engineerMedium-cycle higher educationFinancial controllerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelFresh water biologistMaster's degreeGeneral practitionerMaster's degree*GeologistMaster's degreeGeophysicistMaster's degreeHospital doctorMaster's degree*Hospital physicistMaster's degreeLawyerMaster's degree*Legal assistantMaster's degreeMechanical engineerMedium-cycle higher educationMedical consultantMaster's degree*Medical specialistMaster's degree*Music teacherMaster's degreePhysical geographerMaster's degreeSecondary school teacher, natural sciences physical educationMaster's degree*IT and telecommunication OccupationRequirementDatabase developerDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationIT consultantDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationIT project managerDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationNetwork consultantDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationSoftware developerDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationSystem developerDocumentation of at least three years' IT educationManagement OccupationRequirementAccounting managerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelDeputy head of institutionDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelHead of departmentDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelHead of institutionDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelHead of institution departmentDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelProduction managerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelSales managerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelSchool department headDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelSocial and health department headDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelEducational, social and religious work OccupationRequirementRemedial teacherProfessional Bachelor's degreeSocial educatorProfessional Bachelor's degreeSocial educator of children, young people and adults with special needsProfessional Bachelor's degreeSocial workerProfessional Bachelor's degreeSales, purchases and marketing OccupationRequirementAccount managerDocumentation of at least three years' education at university levelProduct specialistIndustry relevant professional Bachelor's degreeHealth, healthcare and personal care OccupationRequirementAnaesthetic nurseProfessional Bachelor's degree*BioanalystProfessional Bachelor's degree*ChiropractorProfessional Bachelor's degree*Head physiotherapistProfessional Bachelor's degree*Head midwifeProfessional Bachelor's degree*Head nurseProfessional Bachelor's degree*Head radiographerProfessional Bachelor's degree*Head bioanalystProfessional Bachelor's degree*Health visitor, Visiting nurseProfessional Bachelor's degree*MidwifeProfessional Bachelor's degree*NurseProfessional Bachelor's degree*PhysiotherapistProfessional Bachelor's degree*Operating theatre nurseProfessional Bachelor's degree*OpticianProfessional Bachelor's degree*RadiographerProfessional Bachelor's degree*Surgical appliance makerProfessional Bachelor's degree*Education and tuition OccupationRequirementContinuation school teacherProfessional Bachelor's degree*Primary and lower secondary school teacherProfessional Bachelor's degree** Requires Danish Authorisation
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回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊从2006年申请到登陆,家园陪我走过了5年的时光,没有家园同学们的互相鼓励和支持,没有大家互相通报进度,我也坚持不了5年的时间.今天到这里来转转,和楼主感同身受.
从小学生做起。回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊响应楼主号召,老人来冒个头,顶一下楼主
SUNNY大哥说了,VOLVO就是好,前面一个VO,后面一个VO两个VO一致给VOLVO签发了VISA成为加拿大永久居民,戍守美加边境回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊来得少多了
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊我也来冒个头,和楼主一样感慨。感谢家园陪伴了我们五年多,谢谢这里给了我们许多信息,同时让我们认识了许多朋友,并且使未来去加后依然有这些朋友。 故地重游,感慨良多,曾经还在这发生一点小争执,但现在看来,都不过一笑而过的事。时光真快。
慢慢来,一切都会好的。回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊纯路过。。。。进来看看。。。既都似曾相识,也都略感陌生。。。都是同路人。。。
------------我刚回来说说心里话..http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=321103幸福的加拿大之旅http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=321212回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊偶也是故地重游。。。。。近来看看。。。。发现物是人非
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊06年出开始关注这个论坛,07年新政被切那拨儿的。到现在也算是老人了吧?惭愧....没啥贡献,现在改美国了。
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊各位旧人在加拿大都找到累搏工作了吧?
回复: 已经很久没来过HK板块了,今天来看看,真是物似人非啊偶也是故地重游。。。。。近来看看。。。。发现物是人非点击展开...同感,看到大卫版主好有情切感啊,你毕业了么,我短登后就很少来了。
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