加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection


5. The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA:a. Does subsection 87.4(1) of the IRPA terminate by operation of law the applicationsdescribed in that subsection upon its coming into force, and if not, are theapplicants entitled to mandamus?b. Does the Canadian Bill of Rights mandate notice and an opportunity to makesubmissions prior to termination of an application under subsection 87.4(1) of theIRPA?c. Is section 87.4 of the IRPA unconstitutional, being contrary to the rule of law orsections 7 and 15 the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

回复: The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPAAppealsUpon certification of a serious question of general importance, the Federal Court judge's decision may be appealed[paragraph 74(d)]. The notice of appeal, complying with Form IR-4, must be filed in theFederal Court of Appeal within 30 days after pronouncement of judgment or within such time as a judge of the FederalCourt so orders [Rule 20]. The filing fee is $50 [Rule 23].The notice of appeal must be served on all parties, and proofof service must be filed within 15 days of the filing of the notice of appeal [Rule 20(2)]. The parties then follow therequirements set out in Part 6 of the Federal Courts Rules [Rule 4(1)].5. The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA:a. Does subsection 87.4(1) of the IRPA terminate by operation of law the applicationsdescribed in that subsection upon its coming into force, and if not, are theapplicants entitled to mandamus?b. Does the Canadian Bill of Rights mandate notice and an opportunity to makesubmissions prior to termination of an application under subsection 87.4(1) of theIRPA?c. Is section 87.4 of the IRPA unconstitutional, being contrary to the rule of law orsections 7 and 15 the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?点击展开...

回复: The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA支持上诉,这么混淆视听,不分是非的判决,我们绝对不能接受!点击展开...

回复: The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA支持上诉,这么混淆视听,不分是非的判决,我们绝对不能接受!点击展开... 你们两受影响并不大。


回复: The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA我觉得虽然败诉了,但并不是终点,也不算很坏。 去年底TIM的动议被否决时我才恐慌。这次没啥感觉。Thomaswang1同学现在的感觉应该和我一样。

回复: The following questions are certified pursuant to subsection 74(d) of the IRPA这a,b,c是本次诉讼的正式判决理由?还有其他吗?英文不太好,研究了半天,内容感觉没什么,而且使用疑问方式,我觉得挺奇怪的,是不是这个方式一直都是常用和规范的表达。

  ·生活百科 如果我的蛋白石卡丢失了,我该如何取回丢失的金额?
·房产房屋 你能告诉我这所房子的屋顶是粘土瓦还是水泥瓦?怎样说呢?谢



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