加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我女儿的移民申请需要补交材料,请教了!!很
北京大使馆来信了,需要补交材料:如下我女儿:Passport/Travel Document: Valid passport or travel document This must bereceived at this office by: 06/29/2013> Birth registration/certificate: Birth registration/certificate This must be receivedat this office by: 06/29/2013> Client Information: Receipt of information from client hospital records beforeand after your birth. This must be received at this office by: 06/29/2013> National ID: National Identification for your mother xxxx. This must bereceived at this office by: 06/29/2013 然后是我 SPR's residency: Evidence that your sponsor resides in Canada. This includesbut is not limited to: pay stubs, T4 slips, utility bills, and banking history. Drivers licences,Property tax assessments, Social Insurance or Health Insurance cards are not sufficient This mustbe received at this office by: 06/29/2013> SPR's PPT: Copy of all pages of your Sponsors passport This must be receivedat this office by: 06/29/2013 请教一下 第二个是要出生证吧Client Information: Receipt of information from client hospital records beforeand after your birth.是什么? National Identification for your mother xxxx. This must bereceived at this office 是要枫叶卡原件吗? 我需要递交的 是 utility bills 是什么?
回复: 我女儿的移民申请需要补交材料,请教了!!很急这位同学故事没有讲问题先发出,看起来有些不太明白。好像你已经有了枫叶卡,女儿要材料是要办团聚移民不成。一般中国人补料需要:护照,户口本公证(这个像你的第一问题),出生证公证(这个像第三个Client Information)。后面要你的相关材料,可能你在加生活过,或你已经有了枫叶卡。那如何证明你在那里呢,你有什么提供什么越多越好啦。Utility Bills应该是一些账单比如水费,电费,Cable,Mobil,Gas,House Rental,TAX。俺还没有去加是用脚趾头想出来的。
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