王律师的案子判决了,可以认为加国的司法公正又一次撕下了伪装,在cic的游说下,91被毫无公平地、人为地判输了。 如何进行下一步的抗争,我有些想法和童鞋们商量: 首先:先申请退款,我们的钱被这些孙子免费使用着,想起来就感到十分憋屈!如果官司赢了,大不了重新再让CIC扣一次,但是,不给cic免费的资金再用了,这是其一。麻烦cic,活该! 其次,91的王律师组的童鞋们建议继续起诉,事已经至此,抗争到底才是出路,现在放弃,等于默认了恶人的恶举!继续抗争,才有一丝出路!相信上帝会惩罚捉弄他的恶人! 最后,91童鞋不要绝望,要继续振作起来,上帝给人类创造的是一个公平的世界,恶举一定会被纠正,最后信任一次加国的司法体系吧!行动起来,91一定能走出来!91,united!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟! 赏
要退费的,只能上CIC网站填那个表,不能给使馆邮件说要撤案要退费。 向使馆要求撤案的等于自动弃权。 填那个表是为了方便CIC强制退款。点击展开...-----对!退费不撤案!童鞋们要注意!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟!回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法这个违宪官司已经变成了持久战,不到2015年是不会有明确说法的。 TIM以外的所有组已经合并了,虽然名义上仍是不同的律师代理,但性质完全一样,都是告87。4违宪,最后的结果会完全相同。
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法我们还年轻,打到老,到加国去养老!加国应该为他们的粗鲁和恶行埋单!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟!回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法这次上诉还是王律师组的单独官司,对上次判决不服。如果赢了,也直接对王律师组的人有利,间接支持其他组的官司!对整个91都是整体有利!如果不起诉,得意的是背后恶举的恶人,受伤的是整个91!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟!这次上诉还是王律师组的单独官司,对上次判决不服,如果赢了,也直接对王律师组的人有利,间接支持其他组的官司!对整个91都是整体有利!如果不起诉,得意的是背后恶举的恶人,受伤的是整个91!点击展开... 不是他单独的。你看看这次的判决书,总的代表案例是Tabingo。 判决书里法官明确说了,不会单独考虑不同的诉讼组,所有被一刀切的只有一个组,一个官司。
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法法律上的上诉是对本诉不服,提请上一级再就本案再审的一种制度安排。
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟!回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法期望大家最後打贏這場仗 一起在加國見面~~
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法同情,支持!
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法声援!加油!
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 赏
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法我们还年轻,打到老,到加国去养老!加国应该为他们的粗鲁和恶行埋单!点击展开...还没等您来,加国国内的养老系统就奔溃了。加拿大公民也过得水深火热的。估计都是被加拿大移民公司祸害,忽悠的主
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法主动要求退款就等于接受退案吧?不可行。
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法上诉是必须了,大不了迟点过去。
回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法叹气~~~。支持大家,希望最终能扭转!
2007-07-03:FN; 2009-06-22:S2; 2009-08-26:妥投; 2012-11-28:ME到;2012-12-05:ME;2013-04-23:补ME;2013-06-13DM;2013-06-14:VISA.2013-09登陆。回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法上诉是必须的,不过去加拿大真的没有必要了。赢了官司,就是告诉可耻的白人,怎么做个正直的人。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]上诉是必须的,不过去加拿大真的没有必要了。赢了官司,就是告诉可耻的白人,怎么做个正直的人。点击展开...顶fu大哥的这段话!
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法http://www.workpermit.com/news/2013-04-23/canadas-federal-court-dismisses-immigration-case-of-would-be-immigrants Canada's Federal Court dismisses immigration case of would-be immigrants 23 April 2013 A Canadian judge has ruled that the country's immigration minister, Jason Kenney, did not break the law when he terminated applications for permanent residence visas from some 280,000 applicants in July 2012. On Thursday 18th April 2013, Justice Donald Rennie said that he understood that those affected would see Mr Kenney's act as 'unfair, arbitrary and unnecessary' but said that it was not illegal and so he had no powers to overturn it. Latest news20 April 2013 Canadian immigration announces eligible occupations for new skilled worker program 04 April 2013 Canadian immigration's 'Dragons' Den' visa goes live 02 April 2013 Canadian immigration has cut permanent residence backlog by 40% since 2008 In 2012, The Canadian government passed the Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act which allowed the government to terminate applications for permanent residence visas made under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canada's main immigration programme for skilled workers. In June 2012, Mr Kenney announced that he would terminate all applications made to the FSWP before 28th February 2008. Some people had been waiting for their applications to be processed for up to eight years. They were understandably aggrieved to have their applications terminated. But Mr Kenney said that the termination of the cases was necessary to get rid of an unwieldy backlog of cases which was preventing the system from working properly. Some 280,000 people were affected. Applicants argued that Kenney's decision was unlawful Last autumn, a group of 1,400 of the applicants who had had their applications terminated launched a legal challenge to Mr Kenney's decision in the Canadian Federal Court. They argued that Mr Kenney's decision had been unlawful because the Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act was discriminatory and breached Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The case came to court in January 2013. The judge delivered his verdict on 18th April. In his summing up, Justice Rennie said 'the applicants have waited in the queue for many years only to find the entrance door closed. They see the termination of their hope for a new life in Canada to be an unfair, arbitrary and unnecessary measure'. However, he said that the Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act was 'valid legislation, compliant with the rule of law, the Bill of Rights and the Charter' and he said that the applications had been 'terminated by operation of law' and that, therefore, the court could not overrule the Act or Mr Kenney's decision. Lawyers for the applicants are considering whether to appeal the judge's decision. They have until 2nd May to do so. The FSWP is Canada's foremost immigration programme for skilled workers. Around 55-60,000 people annually gain Canadian permanent resident status via the FSWP. By 2012, there was a backlog of 624,516 applications waiting to be processed. Some people had been waiting for eight years. The FSWP waiting list has now been reduced to under 100,000 and Mr Kenney has said he expects there to be no backlog by the end of 2014.
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 回复: 91童鞋们,别沉沦,继续抗争!上帝和正义正在审视加国司法tmd,保守党完全不要脸,切掉自由党在位时的申请人,放过保守党执政时期的所有申请人,如果真有上帝,惩罚这个玩弄权术的天主教徒。
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