加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民递交团聚移民时已经怀孕,不知这种情况可以去
我的情况是:我在怀孕一个多月的时候申请的家庭团聚移民,当时已告知移民局我的情况,体检也做了,但是X光(胸透)没做,怕影响胎儿。 我老公已收到密西沙加移民部邮寄给他的担保人通过信。 而且已将我的文件寄回加拿大驻北京使馆。 帮我办移民的公司也说会给驻北京的加拿大使馆发邮件,看能不能照顾一下。我的这种情况有可能回加拿大生产么? 我目前怀孕18周,请大家帮我指点一下,谢谢!!
回复: 递交团聚移民时已经怀孕,不知这种情况可以去加拿大生产么X光没做,100%不可能给你移民签证的。这种情况很普遍,绝对不能通融的,好好在中国生吧。
回复: 递交团聚移民时已经怀孕,不知这种情况可以去加拿大生产么可以去加拿大生产,但只能以visitor身份(旅游或探亲签证),并且自费支付生孩子的费用。加拿大医院住院每天大约3000加元,我看过一个产妇拿旅游签证生孩子,剖腹花了2万多加元。啊,我刚才又看了一下,你现在已经到AR2阶段。那么到加国生产时,可以将移民局的这些资料提供给医院,你的医疗费用一部分可以由你丈夫的MSP来cover。我去年问过Health Insurance BC这个问题,下面他们的答复:A spouse or a child of an eligible B.C. resident may qualify for coverage provided that an application for permanent residence status has been accepted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the application remains active. Please complete a MSP Account Change form and provide photocopies of the following to Health Insurance BC to determine eligibility: · your spouse/child's current immigration document· your spouse/child’s birth certificate if he or she is a citizen of the United States· any letters sent by CIC· proof that the application fee for permanent resident status has been paid to CIC online or through a financial institution in Canada (such as a bank or Western Union).· the identity page from your spouse/child's passport and any other pages stamped by Canada Border Services Agency or CIC· pages 1 and 2 from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) e-Client Applications Status web site If your question has not been addressed, please contact Health Insurance BC at one of the numbers below and ask to speak with an enrolment specialist. Thank you. Health Insurance BC HIBCPO BOX 9035STN PROV GOVTVICTORIA BC V8W 9E3Lower Mainland: 604 683-7151Rest of BC: 1 800 663-7100
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