加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民想申请noc2174,这样的工作介绍信可以么?
老板帮忙写了介绍下,不确定是不是符合NOC2174中 multimedia developer 的要求, 请大家帮忙看看,谢谢!He was working on two projects: 3DTV and intelligent management for adaptive video streaming. In the first project, his role was to improve the visual quality for 3DTV application. In the second project, he was responsible to propose and optimize the configurations for adaptive streaming in the application of WebTV and 2nd screen. The purpose was to provide higher quality of experience for clients to watch video over Internet than existing streaming techniques. He also took part in various software evaluation and implementations, e.g., the demonstration of Low-Latency Video Delivery through HTTP Layered streaming, which provides lower latency than the standard Apple Internet streaming technique.
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