加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民经验类(CEC) - 提交移民申请后能不能离开加拿
长征之路~~~~~~~~~~~ 2014/07/09 签收2014/08/27 Dm如题点击展开...If you receive a file number before your work permit expires, apply for a bridging open work permit at once. With a new open work permit you may then apply to Ottawa for a return entry visa.
欢迎进入团聚移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:团聚移民专栏.260/欢迎进入经验 CEC 移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:经验类移民专栏.110/事务所网页:www.LingWong.ca电邮咨询:[email protected]热线电话:416-800-5000如题点击展开...Taking a vacation outside of Canada should not affect your application for permanent residence. However, if you leave Canada while your application is being processed, you may not be allowed to come back into Canada. Each time you come back, you must meet all the rules for entering the country.境内续签吧
————————加拿大技术移民51新政群:146715927加拿大留学生移民交流群:346332120Taking a vacation outside of Canada should not affect your application for permanent residence. However, if you leave Canada while your application is being processed, you may not be allowed to come back into Canada. Each time you come back, you must meet all the rules for entering the country.境内续签吧点击展开...Such as??
欢迎进入团聚移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:团聚移民专栏.260/欢迎进入经验 CEC 移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:经验类移民专栏.110/事务所网页:www.LingWong.ca电邮咨询:[email protected]热线电话:416-800-5000Such as??点击展开...just like the rules you have to meet when you enter Canada in the first time SUCH AS not being inadmissible
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需