加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有没有知道这个的?
Residency Refund Option for Economic Nominees As of October 12, 2007, there is a new post-landing option called the Residency Refund available to Economic stream nominees who have landed in Canada and are living in Nova Scotia. Nominees approved under the Economic stream of the NSNP are currently entitled to a six-month employment contract/mentorship with an approved Nova Scotia employer at a middle management level for a minimum salary of $20,000. This opportunity made available after landing in Nova Scotia is called the Business Mentor Program. The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration is pleased to introduce a new option for Economic nominees which may better meet the needs of some nominees and assist with their settlement in Nova Scotia. Economic nominees now have a choice. They can select the Business Mentor Program or they can choose the new Residency Refund option. The Residency Refund option enables Economic nominees to qualify for a refund of the $100,000 economic contribution, without interest. Nominees must provide satisfactory evidence that they and their accompanying dependents have resided in Nova Scotia on a full-time basis for 12 consecutive months (within 18 months of landing) and that they are still living in the province. Economic nominees can only select one option. Nominees who have already started (i.e. signed an employment contract) or completed a Business Mentor employment contract cannot participate in the Residency Refund option. The PDF documents linked to below provide further information about the Residency Refund option.
回复: 有没有知道这个的?俺朋友刚拿到PL,看到这个,很高兴.
回复: 有没有知道这个的?其它省有吗?
回复: 有没有知道这个的?别的省没有吧.是不是说连续住12个月,就可以退10万?这么好,应该办这个省的投资移民.
回复: 有没有知道这个的?别的省没有吧.是不是说连续住12个月,就可以退10万?这么好,应该办这个省的投资移民.点击展开...你那里拿来的这个消息,麻烦你把出处也贴出来!
回复: 有没有知道这个的?http://www.novascotiaimmigration.com/en-page1112.aspx
回复: 有没有知道这个的?一个月2万的工资?
回复: 有没有知道这个的?是年收入吧!
Hope you all could be successful and make your happy new life in the new country! MSN: [email protected]: herui1999QQ: 188088319Weibo: www.weibo.com/roymigration是年收入吧!点击展开...税后还是税前 ?斑竹如何看?请教!
回复: 有没有知道这个的?请斑竹研究下吧.连续住一年,是不是能退10万?如果真有这好事,俺朋友就不来温,俺就不用准备接待了.
回复: 有没有知道这个的?quote=iris08;2065325]请斑竹研究下吧.连续住一年,是不是能退10万?如果真有这好事,俺朋友就不来温,俺就不用准备接待了.[/quote]
回复: 有没有知道这个的?可否麻烦斑竹或其他高人研究一下?我想很多TZ会很关心的,特别是正准备移民的。我也正在选择省提名。因为不打算登了就跑,加上喜欢小城市,考虑过PEI、曼省和萨省。nova scotia 也许是另一个可以选择的地方。
回复: 有没有知道这个的?从现在开始,移民变得这么抢手了?
回复: 有没有知道这个的?加上中介的回扣,加拿大省政府赚了个白吆喝? 天下为公了?
回复: 有没有知道这个的?加上中介的回扣,加拿大省政府赚了个白吆喝? 天下为公了?点击展开...现在加拿大拿大家,将来大家拿!!!
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