加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教响铃斑主
3月份收到补料信,补副申请工作证明及企业税昨天晚上发现使馆24日发给一邮件如下,有人说填这表是要被调??有人与我一样的情况么? Please note that, you may send below documents by fax in order to expedite your application.Canadian Embassy Immigration Section 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District Beijing, People's Republic of China 100600 Internet: www.beijing.gc.ca Ambassade du Canada Bureau de l'immigration Fax: (86-10) 5139-4449 File number: 24.6.2010 Dear ――:To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for principal applicant - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Please submit for dependant - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...mm0008egen.pdf) - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused. Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representative If your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature
回复: 请教响铃斑主让你更新到今天的履历表, 并不能代表被调!
回复: 请教响铃斑主3月份收到补料信,补副申请工作证明及企业税昨天晚上发现使馆24日发给一邮件如下,有人说填这表是要被调??有人与我一样的情况么? Please note that, you may send below documents by fax in order to expedite your application.Canadian Embassy Immigration Section 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District Beijing, People's Republic of China 100600 Internet: www.beijing.gc.ca Ambassade du Canada Bureau de l'immigration Fax: (86-10) 5139-4449 File number: 24.6.2010 Dear ――:To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for principal applicant - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Please submit for dependant - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...mm0008egen.pdf) - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused. Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representative If your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature 点击展开... 这属于补充材料环节,如果要确认是否背调,可以在补件完成后的3个月内进行写信询问,使馆的回复可以验证您的申请是否处于背调阶段。
鄙人在此为采日月之精华,集百家之所长,为广大移友提供帮助,欢迎大家探讨http://www.maslink.com.cn/一线畅通咨询:010-65545866 投资移民VIP专线:13910235548 技术移民VIP专线:13439586708回复: 请教响铃斑主学习了
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