加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施


REGULATIONS AMENDING THEIMMIGRATION AND REFUGEEPROTECTION REGULATIONS 1. (1) The portion of the definition “investment” in subsection 88(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations1 before paragraph(a) is replaced by the following:“investment” means, in respect of an investor, a sum of $800,000 that(2) Paragraph (b) of the definition “investor” in subsection 88(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:(b) has a legally obtained net worth of at least $1,600,000; and(3) The descriptions of A and B in subsection 88(2) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:A equals $400,000 divided by the number of approved funds that are not suspended; and B equals $400,000 multiplied by the gross domestic product at market prices of the province that has approved the non-suspended fund, divided by the total of the gross domestic products at market prices of all of the provinces that have approved a non-suspended fund.COMING INTO FORCE 2. These Regulations come into force on December 1, 2010. From-http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2010/2010-11-10/pdf/g2-14423.pdf 简单说,投资额80万,要求资产160万,新法12月1日实施。

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施简单说,投资额80万,要求资产120万,新法12月1日实施。点击展开...老兄,应该是要求资产160万吧,可别误导人

2009.4 递HK联邦2009.6 FN...老兄,应该是要求资产160万吧,可别误导人点击展开...谢谢楼上,已修正

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施只给利息20还是24万还没出台吧?

SUNNY大哥说了,VOLVO就是好,前面一个VO,后面一个VO两个VO一致给VOLVO签发了VISA成为加拿大永久居民,戍守美加边境回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施偶是旧法末班车,新法钱不够,旧法等的时间太长!

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施只给利息20还是24万还没出台吧?点击展开...没有啊

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施欢迎山西煤老板们踊跃参加!

2010,8,2 递料HK;8,18魁省fn;回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施联邦12月1号开始新政,细则出来了吗,是不是就当天开始收件呢,还是和老政一样的材料吗,那新政的人现在就要开始做材料了吧,

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施弱弱的问一下...小弟最近计划,想移民.听说加拿大可以...所以想先问问前辈们.小弟高中文凭,今年30 . 20岁就开始工作,从事网站建设和经营(主要在美国),目前月收入 30,000$ , 国内总资产约1000万 RMB .不知道应该怎么移民? 小孩子现在2岁,主要是想移民过去后,孩子读书,和自己搞个国际身份.但是,听说好像要有很多的考试?学历什么的? 光投资,给钱不行吗?请前辈指点,谢谢.第一贴,谢谢大家支持.

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施弱弱的问一下...小弟最近计划,想移民.听说加拿大可以...所以想先问问前辈们.小弟高中文凭,今年30 . 20岁就开始工作,从事网站建设和经营(主要在美国),目前月收入 30,000$ , 国内总资产约1000万 RMB .不知道应该怎么移民? 小孩子现在2岁,主要是想移民过去后,孩子读书,和自己搞个国际身份.但是,听说好像要有很多的考试?学历什么的? 光投资,给钱不行吗?请前辈指点,谢谢.第一贴,谢谢大家支持.点击展开...呵呵先看看置顶的帖子普及下啊

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施弱弱的问一下...小弟最近计划,想移民.听说加拿大可以...所以想先问问前辈们.小弟高中文凭,今年30 . 20岁就开始工作,从事网站建设和经营(主要在美国),目前月收入 30,000$ , 国内总资产约1000万 RMB .不知道应该怎么移民? 小孩子现在2岁,主要是想移民过去后,孩子读书,和自己搞个国际身份.但是,听说好像要有很多的考试?学历什么的? 光投资,给钱不行吗?老实说,我挺佩服你的,我总觉得移民不适合你这样的,你在国内比较爽请前辈指点,谢谢.第一贴,谢谢大家支持.点击展开...

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施我是搭上了联邦投资移民的末班车,请问,新政出来后,我们这些老政策下的申请是不是会被无限的延长办理周期?

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施我是搭上了联邦投资移民的末班车,请问,新政出来后,我们这些老政策下的申请是不是会被无限的延长办理周期?点击展开...新老按照1:2不会

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施新老按照1:2 不会点击展开...话是那么说,但是并没有任何条例约束官说必须按此比例审理。如果160万的案子足够多的话……

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施话是那么说,但是并没有任何条例约束官说必须按此比例审理。如果160万的案子足够多的话……点击展开...不是话是这么说的是条例是这么规定的

回复: 联邦投资正式涨价,2010年12月1日起实施不是话是这么说的 是条例是这么规定的点击展开...This amendment will ultimately double the gross amount of IIP investment coming into Canada annually, therefore doubling program benefits without increasing program resources. However, existing inventories of applications to be processed under the former program criteria (e.g. $400,000 investment) must be cleared before the full benefits of the change will be realized. This is expected to occur within five to six years of implementing the change, after existing inventories of applications filed prior to the change have been assessed. Until then, annual expected benefits are calculated assuming a 2:1 case processing ratio of inventory applications to new applications received since the regulatory change.No benefits are anticipated in Year 1, as case processing requirements mean that there are no new applications filed after the regulatory change is finalized, and therefore no investments made by this cohort, within the first year. This 2:1 assumed case-processing ratio is based on current inventory levels, anticipated application intake and previous experience with similar operational adjustments to federal skilled worker applications. This ratio allows for some of the benefits of the regulatory change to be realized in the shorter term without significantly disadvantaging either group. Applicants in the existing inventory will be invited to reapply under the new requirements, should they feel that this would improve their timeframes for processing. The 2:1 ratio will be closely monitored by CIC and may require adjustments to ensure that anticipated benefits are realized. It is assumed that CIC will continue to intake approximately 1 500 investments annually, as there will be no adjustments made to processing resources. Applying a 2:1 ratio results in an intake of 1 000 investments of $400,000 and 500 investments of $800,000 in each of Years 2?5. The gross incremental impact of the change is therefore calculated as $200 million annually (500 investments × $400,000 incremental increase). Due to the requirement to repay this investment capital after five years, for the purposes of the cost benefit analysis we calculated the net benefit of the increase in investment as the interest savings this money provides to participating PTs. An 8% discount rate is then applied to the net benefit to arrive at the figures in the accounting statement below. 第一,这不是regulation.第二,请注意,话没说死,全是assume。所以,守法可否提供相关条例供俺参考一下?

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