加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民重要疑问
回复: 重要疑问守法老师我也有同问,有了枫叶卡才能申请住房,助学贷款呀,没有枫叶卡什么也办不成。
回复: 重要疑问企业家移民在没脱身份之前能拿到枫叶卡吗点击展开...能
回复: 重要疑问程序是也发给枫叶卡,但是需要提供地址,定期报告。Examination of foreign nationals with permanent resident visasWhen an applicant in possession of a permanent resident visa applies to become a permanent resident at a port of entry, the role of the BSO at Immigration Secondary is to:verify the person’s identity;confirm that the information on the permanent resident visa is correct;establish that the applicant complies with all requirements of the Act and Regulations and is not inadmissible;confirm that the applicant’s marital, common-law, or family status has not changed since the issuance of the permanent resident visa;confirm that the applicant and their family members (whether accompanying or not) still meet the requirements of the class of permanent residents under which the permanent resident visa was issued;2011-01-0639ENF 4 Port of Entry Examinations12. and explain any appropriate conditions; and welcome the new permanent resident to Canada and provide information about programs andservices available to facilitate integration into Canadian society.
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