加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议
2011年6月30日,EB-5美国移民局(USCIS)会议在洛杉矶召开。本次会议共有6名美国移民局和EB5美国投资移民官员及专家参加,美国移民局总监Alejandro Mayorkas、美国移民局EB5投资移民项目主管Alexandra (Sasha) Haskell亲临现场,主持会议并详细解答参会人员提出的问题。 会议上,移民局官员进一步强调了美国政府重视和支持EB5美国投资移民项目。同时告知,为了加快I526审理速度,有望2-3月内开通EB5快速审理通道, 即审理时间为15个工作日。 会议公布,目前美国39个州共有147个移民局授权批准的区域中心,正在申请的区域中心有91个。 I-526获批的申请有90-95%是通过区域中心申请的。 从会议公布的数据可以看出,2011年第一、二季度I526拒签率达19%,较2011年度拒签率11%有明显增加。 据了解,由于个别EB-5美国投资移民项目在申请后,整体项目遭移民局被拒,因而导致大量申请案件被拒。由此可见,申请美国投资移民,选择有挑选项目经验的、有实力、信誉好的移民机构尤为重要。 世贸通移民机构总裁和项目考察团高层经常赴美亲自考察项目,从项目执行、就业机会产生、项目担保等各方面审慎甄选项目,力求为客户选择风险系数最低的项目,目前世贸通移民机构美国投资移民I-526及I-829成功率为100%。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关2011年6月30日,EB-5美国移民局(USCIS)会议在洛杉矶召开。本次会议共有6名美国移民局和EB5美国投资移民官员及专家参加,美国移民局总监Alejandro Mayorkas、美国移民局EB5投资移民项目主管Alexandra (Sasha) Haskell亲临现场,主持会议并详细解答参会人员提出的问题。 会议上,移民局官员进一步强调了美国政府重视和支持EB5美国投资移民项目。同时告知,为了加快I526审理速度,有望2-3月内开通EB5快速审理通道, 即审理时间为15个工作日。 会议公布,目前美国39个州共有147个移民局授权批准的区域中心,正在申请的区域中心有91个。 I-526获批的申请有90-95%是通过区域中心申请的。 从会议公布的数据可以看出,2011年第一、二季度I526拒签率达19%,较2011年度拒签率11%有明显增加。 据了解,由于个别EB-5美国投资移民项目在申请后,整体项目遭移民局被拒,因而导致大量申请案件被拒。由此可见,申请美国投资移民,选择有挑选项目经验的、有实力、信誉好的移民机构尤为重要。 世贸通移民机构总裁和项目考察团高层经常赴美亲自考察项目,从项目执行、就业机会产生、项目担保等各方面审慎甄选项目,力求为客户选择风险系数最低的项目,目前世贸通移民机构美国投资移民I-526及I-829成功率为100%。点击展开...
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神2011年6月30日,会议上,移民局官员进一步强调了美国政府重视和支持EB5美国投资移民项目。同时告知,为了加快I526审理速度,有望2-3月内开通EB5快速审理通道, 即审理时间为15个工作日。点击展开...你这个通告怎么跟LUCIDTEXT的博客的对会议的简告完全不一样啊? LUCIDTEXT 的博客对这个快速通道的事是比较悲观的,认为是要等待相当一段时间。中国人总是很乐观地看待EB-5的过程http://blog.lucidtext.com/2011/07/14/tea-drama-on-the-630-call/ 另外,LUCIDTEXT博客也告知一些区域项目靠单一的CENSUS TRACT申请TEA而被拒。 这样LA的万豪酒店的资格就有危险了。投资人要注意了。
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神你这个通告怎么跟LUCIDTEXT的博客的对会议的简告完全不一样啊? LUCIDTEXT 的博客对这个快速通道的事是比较悲观的,认为是要等待相当一段时间。中国人总是很乐观地看待EB-5的过程http://blog.lucidtext.com/2011/07/14/tea-drama-on-the-630-call/ 另外,LUCIDTEXT博客也告知一些区域项目靠单一的CENSUS TRACT申请TEA而被拒。 这样LA的万豪酒店的资格就有危险了。投资人要注意了。点击展开...
EB5AEB5 说:点击展开...I write the Lucid Text blog. Let me give a few clarifications:1. Premium Processing: In the 6/30 conference call, Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." I am pessimistic because he refused to give any estimate of when "as soon as possible" might be, and I know that the proposed processing changes will be complicated to implement. 2. TEA Designation: I know that the State of California has recently been reluctant to designate single census tracts based on negative feedback from USCIS. However, I also know of examples where I-526s have been approved for a project in a census tract TEA. So it's too early to conclude what USCIS will accept or not. They themselves seem to be unsure and not in agreement with each other, as you can tell from the call discussion. They are sure of one thing -- that they need to follow the regulations -- so smart lawyers who can make good arguments about how their plans follow the regulations should still be safe.
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神I write the Lucid Text blog. Let me give a few clarifications: 1. Premium Processing: In the 6/30 conference call, Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." I am pessimistic because he refused to give any estimate of when "as soon as possible" might be, and I know that the proposed processing changes will be complicated to implement. 2. TEA Designation: I know that the State of California has recently been reluctant to designate single census tracts based on negative feedback from USCIS. However, I also know of examples where I-526s have been approved for a project in a census tract TEA. So it's too early to conclude what USCIS will accept or not. They themselves seem to be unsure and not in agreement with each other, as you can tell from the call discussion. They are sure of one thing -- that they need to follow the regulations -- so smart lawyers who can make good arguments about how their plans follow the regulations should still be safe.点击展开...haha...看来律师相当重要啊,律师需要据理力争,能把USCIS辩倒才行,FIGHTING,FIGHTING,FIGHTING....
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神I write the Lucid Text blog. Let me give a few clarifications: 1. Premium Processing: In the 6/30 conference call, Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." I am pessimistic because he refused to give any estimate of when "as soon as possible" might be, and I know that the proposed processing changes will be complicated to implement. 2. TEA Designation: I know that the State of California has recently been reluctant to designate single census tracts based on negative feedback from USCIS. However, I also know of examples where I-526s have been approved for a project in a census tract TEA. So it's too early to conclude what USCIS will accept or not. They themselves seem to be unsure and not in agreement with each other, as you can tell from the call discussion. They are sure of one thing -- that they need to follow the regulations -- so smart lawyers who can make good arguments about how their plans follow the regulations should still be safe.点击展开...Thank you, LUCIDTEXT. I AM A LOYAL READER OF YOUR BLOG. TRY TO KEEP UP WITH THE CHANGES FROM USCIS. YOU HAVE DONE AN AWESOME JOB TO KEEP US INFORMED!
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神I write the Lucid Text blog. Let me give a few clarifications: 1. Premium Processing: In the 6/30 conference call, Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." I am pessimistic because he refused to give any estimate of when "as soon as possible" might be, and I know that the proposed processing changes will be complicated to implement. 2. TEA Designation: I know that the State of California has recently been reluctant to designate single census tracts based on negative feedback from USCIS. However, I also know of examples where I-526s have been approved for a project in a census tract TEA. So it's too early to conclude what USCIS will accept or not. They themselves seem to be unsure and not in agreement with each other, as you can tell from the call discussion. They are sure of one thing -- that they need to follow the regulations -- so smart lawyers who can make good arguments about how their plans follow the regulations should still be safe.点击展开...Thank you honey! I love you so much! Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." 幸好当事人本人出来作证澄清了。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Thank you honey! I love you so much! Director Mayorkas did say that the agency will give a reply to premium processing "as soon as possible." 幸好当事人本人出来作证澄清了。点击展开...
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神呵呵 没有告诉他,但是不代表没透漏给别人
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关呵呵 没有告诉他,但是不代表没透漏给别人点击展开...哇噻,你们公司跟移民局关系真铁啊,连这都告诉你们了啊!!!
回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神我家有个宝,你知道的。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 传达美国移民局2011年6月30日会议精神我还真不知道你家有宝,宝不要外露啊,危险
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