加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名投资移民 - 加拿大确认取消1800新入籍公民


最近移民部动作频频,继昨天移民部长肯尼宣布加拿大增加省提名移民人数至四万名后,今天又确认可能会撤销1800名新入籍公民的资格。 今天星期三,联邦移民部长肯尼确认将会有1800名新入籍的加拿大公民会被取消公民资格,因为他们使用了不正当的方法。 肯尼说:“我们正在通知这些人我们将取消他们的公民资格,因为加拿大公民资格不是可以拿来买卖的。” 他说一些不符合资格的人在不道德的移民顾问的帮助下,通过欺诈的方法成为了加拿大入籍公民。 这1800人的确认是RCMP(加拿大皇家骑警),地方警局和加拿大公民移民部通过了三年的调查得来的。 肯尼继续说:“当然,我们的调查还没有完全结束。” 他指出很多被调查的人都一直生活在国外。当然,这些人可以到联邦法院去上诉。如果他们不上诉的话,那么内阁就会取消他们的公民资格。 被取消加拿大公民资格是很罕见的事情,从1977年到现在,仅仅有63个人被加拿大取消了公民资格,肯尼如是说。这些被取消资格的人中,大多数都有欺诈,犯罪和伪造身份有关,或者隐藏他们犯过的战争罪行。 肯尼部长昨天(周二)在温哥华说,渥太华正在积极打击移民欺诈。 “对那些到加拿大待着,不交税,又获益于加拿大的社会福利,然后又想拿到加拿大公民的人,我觉得他们很可耻。” 肯尼同时也宣布了加拿大即将推出的有效期长达10年的对访问者的多年签证。相关英文内容如下: [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif, 宋体, simsun, 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei', 文泉驿正黑, 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 细明体, MingLiU] 1,800 new Canadians poised to lose citizenship: KenneyRichard J. BrennanNational Affairs Writer Immigration Minister Jason Kenney confirmed Wednesday that as many as 1,800 new Canadians could be stripped of their citizenship because they were obtained fraudulently.“We are in the process of notifying them that we will be revoking their citizenship because Canadian citizenship is not for sale,” Kenney told the Economic Club of Canada.Kenney said some of the individuals are believed to have used “unscrupulous” immigration consultants who submitted fraudulent applications on behalf of people who did not meet the qualifications for citizenship.The 1,800 were identified following a three-year investigation by the RCMP, other police forces and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.“By the way, we are not done with our investigation” Kenney said, noting that many of the accused live outside the country.They can challenge the decision in Federal Court. If not, Cabinet will move to revoke their citizenship.Citizenship revocation is relatively uncommon in Canada with only 63 people being stripped of their citizenship since 1977, Kenney said.Most were for reasons related to residence fraud, criminality and false identity, or concealing their involvement in war crimes.Speaking in Vancouver on Tuesday, Kenney said Ottawa is trying to discourage immigration fraud.“For those who simply touch down and try to get a Canadian passport as a … passport of convenience, who don’t pay our taxes but who do consume our social benefits, I think that’s dishonourable,” he told reporters after delivering a speech to the Vancouver Board of Trade.“There are many ways that we are combating immigration fraud and abuse of our generosity, whether it is from [bogus] asylum claimants, crooked immigration consultants, people smugglers [or] people who are abusing our citizenship program,” he said.Kenney also announced that Canada will soon be introducing multi-year visas for low-risk visitors from around the world that will last 10 years. [/font]

常驻家园。专注于投资移民项目。资料备索,全国范围内提供文件辅导上门服务微信号:jungui-22 QQ:8836316 军规的专线:13392828007 投资移民及省提名交流QQ群:2917998NB、王子岛、诺省交流QQ群:45429415回复: 加拿大确认取消1800新入籍公民资格加拿大移民路越走越难,估计各种限制还要纷纷出台。我还在等nb的邀请函,不知道还要多久。

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