1. CSC facility, a yellow-orange colored pyramid like building, is located at 24000 Avila Road, Laguna Niguel, CA. For those of you who are not familiar with Laguna Niguel area, it is relatively affluent area around 30 minutes away from Irvine, CA and around 50 to 60 minutes away from the Los Angeles, CA. I always imagined the CSC as being located in the middle of a desert but that was not the case. 2. Lines of thousands files everywhere. Hundreds of contractor workers receiving and fee'ing the files, dividing them into different types of cases, I-130, I-140, Premium Processing cases etc. File rooms were just warehouse with rows of files. You can easily imagine your case file getting lost if someone makes clerical mistakes. 3. The interior work spaces were not as nice as it could be. [I think CSC should participate in an EB-5 project to upgrade its interior to create a more friendly working environment.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记如果是转贴呢,最好注明出处;如果是你自己的亲身游记呢,希望你用中文写。
回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记现在在CSC大约有30名审判官在处理EB-5相关的申请,I-526目标处理时间为5个月,I-829的目标处理时间为6个月。 As of May 4, 2011, we think there are around 30 CSC examiners working on EB-5 related applications, and USCIS' goal is 5 months for I-526 and under 6 months for I-829s.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关如果是转贴呢,最好注明出处;如果是你自己的亲身游记呢,希望你用中文写。点击展开...这帖转自AILA 律师协会赞助的CSC 参观游记 (有CSC官员的引导)时间 April 28, 2010.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记你游个P整这种玩意儿太低俗!
回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记你游个P整这种玩意儿太低俗!点击展开...你是不是皮又痒了?还是今天受了什么刺激或者吃了什么不干净的东西,满嘴喷粪?
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记监督如 蔷薇这样 才好,谩骂 毫无意义。 这版块 我也就信蔷薇。
回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记你是不是皮又痒了?还是今天受了什么刺激或者吃了什么不干净的东西,满嘴喷粪?点击展开...正式道歉!
回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记监督如 蔷薇这样 才好,谩骂 毫无意义。 这版块 我也就信蔷薇。点击展开...你,你,你,你这话。。。让本山大叔的老乡,满嘴唾沫星子自认是正义化身的马大姐情何以堪啊!
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.监督如 蔷薇这样 才好,谩骂 毫无意义。 这版块 我也就信蔷薇。点击展开...支持!!! 蔑视所有无聊,无礼的人!!!!
回复: 美国移民局加州服务中心游记支持!!! 蔑视所有无聊,无礼的人!!!!点击展开...又开始自虐了。。。您老这心理素质不是一般的强。。。人家的说话摆明了无视你一直以来的忽悠,与你到本坛之后的粗暴无礼之表现堪为交相辉映。姐,你在玩黑色幽默吗?
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