加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 自主掌控EB-5投资移民要点
全面自主控制投资款:o 不须向区域中心或其他任何账户汇款,资金全部自主掌控,o 投资自有权益项目、灵活投资、可以根据情况灵活撤回投资;不须立即投资:o 落地美国后才需开始进行投资,o 投资可以分期、分批、逐步进行;自主控制具体投资时间:o 按照申请时所提商务计划分期投资,o 或递交商务变更计划按具体情况重新设定投资时间;自主掌控具体投资金额:o 根据自身情况设定投资总额(50万或100万美元以上)o 根据自身情况设定分期投资数额(分阶段投资、按计划完成)o 可以在进行投资的同时,合法、适当地分期、分批撤回投资款。 说明:仅限意向投资人具体咨询
浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!回复: 自主掌控EB-5投资移民要点听起来不错。怎么联系您?
回复: 自主掌控EB-5投资移民要点什么样的人适合做个人直接投资型EB-5项目?Who should pursue direct, individual EB-5 cases, rather than Regional Center EB-5 case?符合以下情形的投资者更适合追逐个人直投型EB-5:The types of investors who meet the following profiles should pursue direct, individual EB-5 cases rather than Regional Center EB-5 case:追求最大化他的投资收益Wants to maximize the profit from his investment.投资者强烈要求亲力亲为每天对新建企业有管理控制权Investor wants to exercise strong, day-to-day managerial control over the new commercial enterprise business.投资部分显然是他做EB-5项目的主要原因The investment part is by far the primary reason for his doing EB-5 case.投资者确定他的新建企业将产生10个以上的全职工作岗位,而不依赖其他因素。Investor is certain that the new commercial enterprise business will create more than 10 full-time positions and is not dependent upon certain factors.投资者必须非常确信他的生意能够成功,或者至少能维持本人和10全职雇员若干年。Investor is very sure that the business will succeed or at least be able to maintain itself and 10 full-time employees for several years.投资者可以奉献出大部分的时间和精力来确保新的生意的成功。Investor can devote significant part of time and energy to make the business successful.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关什么样的人适合做个人直接投资型EB-5项目? Who should pursue direct, individual EB-5 cases, rather than Regional Center EB-5 case? 符合以下情形的投资者更适合追逐个人直投型EB-5:The types of investors who meet the following profiles should pursue direct, individual EB-5 cases rather than Regional Center EB-5 case:追求最大化他的投资收益Wants to maximize the profit from his investment.投资者强烈要求亲力亲为每天对新建企业有管理控制权Investor wants to exercise strong, day-to-day managerial control over the new commercial enterprise business.投资部分显然是他做EB-5项目的主要原因The investment part is by far the primary reason for his doing EB-5 case.投资者确定他的新建企业将产生10个以上的全职工作岗位,而不依赖其他因素。Investor is certain that the new commercial enterprise business will create more than 10 full-time positions and is not dependent upon certain factors.投资者必须非常确信他的生意能够成功,或者至少能维持本人和10全职雇员若干年。Investor is very sure that the business will succeed or at least be able to maintain itself and 10 full-time employees for several years.投资者可以奉献出大部分的时间和精力来确保新的生意的成功。Investor can devote significant part of time and energy to make the business successful.点击展开...不懂别瞎说!
回复: 自主掌控EB-5投资移民要点不懂别瞎说!点击展开...自卑有多种档次。最高档次的自卑的表现是吹嘘自己干什么都是天才。
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